which type of pickup do u use?

Discussion in 'Guitar Gear Talk Forum' started by saurabhrocks, May 24, 2007.


which type of pickup do u use?

  1. undersaddle pickup (for gigs)

    2 vote(s)
  2. undersaddle pickup (for recording)

    1 vote(s)
  3. magnetic sound hole pickup( for gigs)

    0 vote(s)
  4. magnetic sound hole pickup (for recording)

    0 vote(s)
  5. soundboard transducers (for gigs)

    2 vote(s)
  6. soundboard transducers ( for recording)

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. saurabhrocks

    saurabhrocks New Member

    alright dudes!!!
    which type of pickup do u use? for gigs or recording

    this is a mcq(multiple choice question)
    u may select more than one answer

    u may select more than two, (if u use two or more type of pickups)

    gig can also be taken as whenever u play,using pickup.(not neccesarily a public performance)

    **note- this is only for acoustic guitars.(electric guitars always use magnetic pickups)
  2. saurabhrocks

    saurabhrocks New Member

    undersaddle pickups
    they are mounted under the guitars saddle,
    they yield consistent sound and are practically invisible.they look like a long string.
    and the saddle in the white thing on the bridge of the guitar.

    magenetic pickups(sound hole pickups)
    they look like a metal piece or may look like a long plastic bar with 6 holes.
    under each string, they are situated in the soundhole, and are visible clearly.

    soundboard transducers

    they are attached to the guitars top, they look like coins and are glued
    on the underside of the guitar

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