Whats ur weight and height!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by kl12, Sep 24, 2005.

  1. jekyll

    jekyll Banned

    bjr - i am 80 kg, with 5'8"
    but definitly not overweight hahhaa

    I used to be 60 Kg but then steadily increased my weight to 80 Kg now

    cryptic_angel - so what is your weight?
  2. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    overweight does not mean fat....but I think we are supposed to be 72 Kg.

  3. jekyll

    jekyll Banned

    Well BJR there is no concept of "supposed to be correct weight."
    That is meant only for ppl who wnat to saty on diet of some sort. Anyway i feel my weight is still low. I am trying to push to 90 Kg if possible (within 1 year)
  4. JAZZ

    JAZZ New Member

    im 423.002 mm long

    n weigh 2000 lbs
  5. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    hehe...whtta way to present.....!!

    @jazz 's siggy - if u r master of blunders then who is BEG?
  6. shsnawada

    shsnawada Cyborgs & Pasta

    @rocking devil: How tall are your parents(average)? Centimeters please.
  7. dark_angel

    dark_angel New Member

    5.7 and.... 53kgs..
  8. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    ok .....here is my whole family height statistics::

    mom - 5'9
    dad - 5'10
    sis - 5'11
    bro - 6'3
    me - 6'6

    anything else?:grin:
  9. m_waleed86

    m_waleed86 KhaMosh GhuStAk

    me is 6ft 2 inch....70 kilos
  10. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    Jiski Didi lambi, uska bhi bada naam hai
    Khambe se lagalo, seedi ka kya kaam hai


    hah, but no seriously, that is awesome.
  11. Gravity_defies

    Gravity_defies New Member

    6'6......isnt tat a bit too tall.....
  12. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    yeah.....its tall alright.....i find a lotta trouble travelling in buses here.......at least best buses are gr8,, coz once i shift to blore......na jaane mera kya haal hoga!......:annoyed:
  13. CrYpTiC_angel

    CrYpTiC_angel Rebelle!

    2 guys on IGT who r 6'6" tall.... :shock:

    one wud expect such a ht 2 b a bit harder 2 come across :shock:
  14. shak

    shak Harrr!

    genetic mutations or plain abnormality?
  15. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    its just da generation man!:grin:
  16. this is such a sad thread =(
  17. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    why is that so??.......bcoz u r height is less?.......ahh cmon......how does thta bother you .... have less weight!:grin:
  18. im 5 feet tall and i weigh 47 kgs ok? :annoyed:

    dont mess wid me :mad:
  19. shsnawada

    shsnawada Cyborgs & Pasta

    Same here. In chennai about a year ago i had quite some problems. I was trying to learn driving humbly with an ambassador and none of my body parts would fit. :mad:
  20. silent_dragon

    silent_dragon Immortal guitarist

    dude wait till u see my pic due to be posted in the igt album, u'll realise the truth!!!! :rock: :rule:

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