What should i do to double my salary?

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by rickkkyrich, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    any purpose behind changing cities?
  2. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    ^Delhi gurls are better..
  3. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    no doubt bout that dude...
  4. flood

    flood New Member

    i call it like i see it. PWNED.
  5. spydra

    spydra New Member

    Sadly, it's something as unexciting as an MBA.

    @horsesmouth, I disagree!
  6. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    well i think MBA is very exciting...it's supposed to be more than writing exams and getting grades.. more of a practical stuff.. u're gonna love it..
    which college btw dude?
  7. spydra

    spydra New Member

    MDI Gurgaon blargh

    I think calling it a course in management is farcical. Also, I find it annoying how it is supposed to magically transform you from a clerical worker to a "manager".

    I plan to screw the man in some way in return for bowing here.
  8. flood

    flood New Member

    blech. dude, you seem to be fairly aware of the fallacy you're getting into... so why do it then?

    i think the MBA is a seriously overrated phenomenon nowadays. the only two b-schools really worth doing an MBA at are harvard and stanford (and possibly yale), because they actively try to get pepople from very diverse backgrounds and fields of experience so you don't end up meeting the generic "yeah i just LIVE to be an investment banker and close multimillion dollar deals cause i think it's the greatest life EVER!" type.

    i was considering applying to ISB and a bunch of friends, including an IIM alumnus, advised me against it - they said with my family business background and overall quirkiness, there was no point in me doing an MBA, unless i just wanted to fast-track my way into middle management after completion. since then, i guess i've realized that the underlying principle (that the company must be growing at any given time and the numbers rule) of most MBA courses is a myopic blunder in itself, and that there has been no financial innovation over the last century that is ethical, beneficial and sustainable (no, ATMs do not count, and microfinance is overrated).

    oh yeah, and you definitely spotted it - MBAs won't teach you management. forget about it. my dad brought in an IIT/IIM graduate with a lot of work experience to run operations. the dude ended up being a highly overpaid secretary, losses n his area were pretty much the same as his salary, and no new strategies were developed, no growth achieved.

    so my masters, if i choose to do one, will see me studying engineering again, probably something specialized.
  9. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    people landing in harvard and stanford are very few.. moreover it needs a great financial backing.. not everybody in India can afford a course worth a crore.. and those who can are already established in their businesses.. so for a general person goin to an A rated Indian B-school makes sense..and i think MDI is a great B-School.. make the most of it dude.. just don take it as a course and you'll like it.. i'm also planning for an MBA now lets see where i land..
  10. spydra

    spydra New Member

    Like I said, I'm bowing to the man....keeping in mind that i have to screw him over elsewhere to compensate (unlikely i know).

    My disdain for the MBA is overcome only by the ridiculousness of not being taken as seriously for a job as an applicant when someone compares my CV with someone with an engineering degree from Amity and an MBA from ICFAI (correspondence). Had I a business plan of any sort or any sort of direction I was particularly inclined toward, I wouldn't have been doing this. I don't plan to be working forever and hopefully, being in a different city helps me move beyond just threatening to achieve something.

    What you say makes perfect sense about going abroad to do your MBA, it was what I planned. I took the GMAT, pretty much aced it (seems like they tailor make these tests for me) but then stuff happened and I had to change my mind. There are just too many variables involved in my going abroad (finance as ricky mentioned being a huge one). At the same time, I managed to get through MDI with approximately 0 effort....I almost didn't go to the interview because it was on my birthday. I wasn't planning to join but changed my mind last minute. I suppose I might have preferred going to an IIM but their policies over the last few years reek of short-sightedness and with their brand value possibly getting diluted, I wonder if MDI is far worse an option. It's not easy to decide when you know you can get in somewhere better with equally minimal effort but I'm taking a judgement call.

    Plus, MDI has an exchange student programme which lets me study for 6 months in one of 5 locations in Europe...which was the whole point of trying to go abroad to the first world(albeit a shorter period in this case). It'll help me answer a lot of questions (the variables I speak of) and maybe tie up a lot of loose ends that still need looking at.

    Regardless of where I go, I'm pretty sure I'll do well (doing well in the conventional Indian sense....oh he got a promotion he's doing well, divorce settlements come and go) because I believe thinkers are still valued so maybe I don't need to put in that much thought about which branding iron I use?

    @ricky: I'm pretty sure I'll like it. I'm just a little wary of what to expect. It's like this news report when Barrack Obama got elected as president....they were interviewing this woman who burst into tears and declared that now that Obama was in power, he would put food on the table for her family and she didn't need to work anymore. wtf?
  11. flood

    flood New Member

    ah well, you seem to have got it figured out then. i've pretty much decided i'm not going to B-school and any further studies will be hardcore tech-oriented.

    and yeah, it's mostly a networking affair thrown in with some analytical exercises. to be honest, a few very successful managers and entrepreneurs i know don't even have a college degree. and i don't know any MBA holders who've done something exceptional (not to say they aren't doing decently well though in their respective positions, don't get me wrong)... so i'm relatively unfazed by the whole b-school phenomenon.
  12. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    i agree to flood to a certain extent.. but if you're looking to land up in a decent job then masters degree helps a lot..and even if you're continuing with the same job.. but if becoming an entrepreneur is your sole aim then no degree in the world can help much..
  13. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    ^I'l take it a bit further. If you wish to land up in a decent job (50k or more), u must get a master's degree. And, MBA is not the only/last option, but certainly the most financially rewarding. Well, depends on your area of liking.
  14. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    ^ you must be making good money dude... u're on ship right (donno much)?
  15. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    Yes, the only place where you get 100k+ w/o masters. Does'nt need even brains.

    The minus points are that, new regulations say, booze is banned onboard, one-night-women are not allowed, we can't even keep p0rno collections, Gulf never allowed, now even the British fine shippies for that.

    Now say I earn a lot ?!? Yes, I do, but I can't spend it on myself. Not atleast half the time when I'm at sea.
  16. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    you mean to say no booze for six months???
  17. horsesmouth

    horsesmouth Active Member

    Not legally when our feet is on ship. OK people can goto bars but that's only at ports.
    Or, we can break the rule, which most oftenly people do.

    The big thing is, we can't keep stuff in our laptops...
    That's sick.
  18. rickkkyrich

    rickkkyrich Guest

    ..but you got internet.. why do you wanna store *stuff*.. or do they block websites as well..
  19. distorted

    distorted satan

    @horsey: u ****o despo...
  20. distorted

    distorted satan

    I meant u p0rno despo...

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