Scientific Facts and Christian Faith:

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by Priyank_Jal_fan, May 9, 2006.

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  1. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    ^^Read it. Makes a lot of sense...and pretty mch of wht i argue for..
  2. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    being an atheist is such a fad these days
    jamhead likes this.
  3. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    ^Oh rly! I think "oh rly" is more of a fad. Anyways, if it's such a fad, why hasnt it caught on with me? Therefore it must not be a fad...this like the proofs of god thread Believer style!
  4. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    hmm I shud have framed it as "Calling oneself an atheist is a fad these days".
  5. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

  6. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    disturbed: no dear, Quran ~ Bible ~ Torah

    All are same.
    All are stories.
    All were written long after the "hero" died.
    All are in continuation.
    All consider their religion is the best and their prophet teh last.
    All come from exact same geographic region.

    Notty: How does Islam explain teh existence of Human beings animals and plants.
    Please let the whole IGT know that.

    How do you explain so may ppl now? Given that there were only Aadam and Haua on the first place?

    Notty you are against incest - your religion and mankind has its existence only due to incest.

    What does it say about females entering "holy" places (esp during errr .... periods) :RollLol:

    Admit it, most of the religions were made by Barabarians for Barbarians in Barbaric ages.
    You dont find such things coming up in todays world.
    d_ist_urb_ed and the_wizard like this.
  7. guitarangela

    guitarangela gran'ma

    You are right...I said none of them are "completely proved" cuz I dont want the believers to be shooting at me for saying that their beliefs are completly wrong....:eek::
    Its their choice to believe in religion or not....I am no one to say....:eek::
  8. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    @Alpha and Omega(angela), for once i said something right. *funk* And touche by the way alpha, i'm waiting for notty's reply about that one :grin:
  9. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    fantastic post...reps to u
  10. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    Yeah .. I'l be surely there wid a reply at night .. :) .. Especially since alpha put out so many points ..
  11. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    ^Heh, use some tact while making statements, lol, that above said statement can be taken in a number of ways. I know it lies in the eye of the beholder, but when in a website filled with a bunch of perverted beholders, you better be careful brotha, peace.
  12. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    I Just realised that as soon as I had posted .. so edited as soon as possi :p: ..

    anyway .. i can't really argue right now .. coz i'm busy .. but I've had exact discussions in the past. I was a student of comparative religion .. couldn't do much study in that line now .. coz of muh job n all .. but i'l definitely throw light ;)

    EDIT again: see ya later in the day :p
  13. guitarangela

    guitarangela gran'ma

    You are always right:) <3
    hah, I hope I am omega just because alpha's name is included......Dont change my names this fast, brother....starting from Angela John - Angie- Rangela-AJ- Anhela jonathan - Omega!!!!:shock:
  14. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    LOL .. I'm sure you know all of them by heart to say that ..
    I accept there are a few stories in the holy Quran but they are Real and the purpose of those stories is to give a strong moral.
    Your ignorance becomes even clearer here .. Quran was revealed on Prophet Mohammad during his lifetime ..
    All three have completely different set of principles and teachings .. and Y u feel its a continuation is because Christianity believes in Moses and his teachings .. Islam believes in both Moses and Jesus .. so due to their mention in the books .. u feel its a continuation ..
    A knowledgeable discussion should differentiate the best from the rest ..
    I don't know how does that even matter ..

    Allah(I'l use God henceforth) is the creator of all life .. There is no way that life can come into existence by chance .. Even the smallest cell in the body is far more sophisticated than the best constructions of human put together .. Tomorrow if u say that the statue of liberty was just made by chance .. people will laugh .. so how can u ignore the sophistic nature of a Cell ..
    Here is a comment by a famous physicist Sir Fred Hoyle about the origin of life. In his book "The Intelligent Universe" he writes:
    From Adam to Mohammad (pbut) .. The laws have been changing because each phase was different from the other .. At Adam's time it was a necessity to reproduce through siblings(I won't explain what the laws of reproduction at that time were it'l get long) .. All the laws n prophets(except Mohammad pbuh) were time bound .. to make things better during that time ..

    Women are free to visit holy places like mosques .. only restriction being that there should be no mingling .. n there should be different sections for male n female .. Reason being Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder during prayer .. If a female stands next to a guy sticking .. u can imagine how much the guy will concentrate on prayers .. n More people will come for birdwatching than prayers .. Thats a fact ..

    Especially during periods ??? Thats a tough time for women .. n not only women but even men are not allowed to pray in mosques if they're "impure"(which is another discussion out of scope) .. This is because Islam gives a lot of preference for hygiene n cleanliness ..

    Most of the religions are barbaric right .. only Agnostics n Athiest RULE don't they .. afterall They're so happy in their Ignorant world .. :)

    Boy this got too long !
  15. guitarangela

    guitarangela gran'ma

    Religions are for the good of people..NO religion are meant to harm any kind of living being.,....they all hold the same principle of worshipping a god/ multiple gods, having a righteous life, and hold on to some specific morals and ethics........Some customs are different, though all propose one basic concept...
    eerr.....well, every single religious books have stories to give a strong basically all of them have stories as well....and if you say, the stories in Quran are real, then you have to admit that the stories in Bible are real too.....and we cannot say the stories in Bhagavat Gita is wrong either...

    well, every religion propose their principles and teachings in a different way..though they all sum upto one idea......And christianity doesnt believe in Moses and his teachings only.....they do believe in Jesus's teachings as well....Both religions believe in Moses and Jesus..

    so if your mom is standing right next to you, you will not concentrate on your prayers?? U will still do bird watching?? THat argument is dumb.....well, in christianity, they keep diffrent sections because christianity kinda proposes women as inferior.....I think thats because, Hauva was influenced by Satan to eat the apple, and she committed the first in historical times, catholic church believed that women is the beginning of all evil( I wouldnt disagree with that either;))..

    @notty, I donno much about Islam..that's why I didnt comment on some of your arguments:beer:
  16. zing

    zing Machine Head

    ya - in islam ibrahim is god's friend & father of prophets
    for jews/christians abraham is friend of god
    for hindus brahma is father of creation


    all religions r same
  17. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    Ok I take yo point .. but still what alpha said that "all are same" is really a Big overstatement .. that too he said it without explainin ..
    The only reason I mentioned Quran n not other books is because I firmly belief in its authenticity .. No book has retained its originality as the Quran (Muslim n non muslim scholars both agree to that) .. Bible has been manipulated by Humans wid different editions .. u shud be aware of this .. also there are many inconsistencies in Bible as well as Hindu scriptures(U don't wanna get into that argument now do u?) .. which is Y I don't give their references ..
    Oh gal u got me wrong there .. what I meant was Christians Apart from Jesus believe in moses n his teachings .. and Muslims apart from Mohammad believe in Jesus n Moses :)
    Sigh! .. U might wanna get yo facts straight bout Islamic practise before callin that argument Dumb .. When a muslim Enters the mosque he has to stand right next to the person in the Row .. only after first row is completed the next starts .. EH! its tough to explain here .. i'l tell u on msger..
    I know that .. Islam differs from Christianity here .. Islam doesn't hold women as inferior .. Islam doesn't believe in Original Sin ..
  18. sDEVs

    sDEVs Inventor

    Thanks Priyank_jal, The topics too lengthy, but I have copied it & will read it in spare time. I always appreciate such topics. Will give u a reply with in a couple of days!
  19. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    yet it's thumpers do...?
  20. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    ^didn't get that ?? what do u mean ?
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