School of Rock

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by Lactic_Doug, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. Lactic_Doug

    Lactic_Doug New Member

    Hey do you guys know the movie "School of Rock"?
    I think thats the most amazing movie i´ve ever seen. And I´d like to know if the kids ther really played that songs on their own, cuz it really seemed like that, but they´re only kind of 10 years old.
    What´s your oppinion to that?
  2. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    It was alright. Jack Black is too overbearing sometimes.
  3. Lactic_Doug

    Lactic_Doug New Member

    You think so? I don´t know i wouldn´t say that, I think thats quite normal, i´d like to have a tescher like him, not only because of the break and music type of thing. My teachers are kinda slimy.
  4. UjSen

    UjSen *#!EVIL*!!

    the best part of the movie was when jack goes like " your kids have touched me nd i'm pretty sure i've touched them......." nd the reaction tht follows aftrwrds.>

    if i had a teacher like jack black, i would flunk my boards.
  5. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    I just dont like the goofy humor so often. It wasnt as strong as Napoleon Dynamite, i agree, but yet, just a tad irksome. You have to be in the right mood to watch that sort of a thing. Just my opinion.
  6. CrYpTiC_angel

    CrYpTiC_angel Rebelle!

    I loved the movie :D

    And yeah, the kids played the music themselves
  7. Life_Sans_Death

    Life_Sans_Death Acronym!

    I liked it, but the best rock movie I have ever seen is Almost Famous
  8. CrYpTiC_angel

    CrYpTiC_angel Rebelle!

    Almost Famous is good too, isn't it based on Led Zepp or Lynyrd Skynyrd?
  9. Life_Sans_Death

    Life_Sans_Death Acronym!

    NO!. Its a total fiction band. But some scenes are inspired. Like when Russel(the guitarist) Jumps from the roof, he shouts," I am a Golden God!". That was a quote by Robert Plant when he tried to jump from an 11th floor hotel room's Balcony!
  10. CrYpTiC_angel

    CrYpTiC_angel Rebelle!

    I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the guy who wrote it based a lot of it on his experience while touring wiht those bands
  11. Life_Sans_Death

    Life_Sans_Death Acronym!

    Ah, yes, just checked it up.
    Cameron Crowe is the director. Guess you were right all along!
  12. UjSen

    UjSen *#!EVIL*!!

    the kids played the music themselves???????

  13. Lactic_Doug

    Lactic_Doug New Member

    WOW thats amazing! These kids must be kinda geniuses xD
  14. err... isn't this movie too old to be discussed? :(
  15. Life_Sans_Death

    Life_Sans_Death Acronym!


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