Rocker Rose sued by ex-bandmates

Discussion in 'Music Talk' started by rizaaj, Aug 27, 2005.

  1. rizaaj

    rizaaj Forum Leader

    Two former members of Guns N' Roses are suing singer Axl Rose for allegedly naming himself sole administrator of the US rock band's copyrights.

    Slash and Duff - otherwise known as Saul Hudson and Michael McKagan - have accused Rose of "arrogance and ego".

    The legal action claims the singer "is no longer willing to acknowledge the contributions of his former partners".

    But Rose's lawyer said he only asked for his portion of royalties and a clerical error led to the overpayment.

    Hudson and McKagan, now part of rock band Velvet Revolver, say Rose has made around $500,000 (£277,000) profit from their shares of the revenues every year.

    Full Info {BBC}
  2. shak

    shak Harrr!

    Slash and Duff - otherwise known as Saul Hudson and Michael McKagan

    ^^shouldnt this be otehr way aorund?
  3. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    @rizaaj.......this thing is already there in guns n roses thrread!
  4. dennis

    dennis The Bhangra King

    slash is saul hudson..and who cares about duff.
    anyways, crappy band..too much 'success' , too much money, too much drugs...bunch of loosers.
  5. rizaaj

    rizaaj Forum Leader

    sorry my mistake... :eek::

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