Req-audio Section

Discussion in 'Feedback Forum' started by RAKESH_GITS_FAN, Jun 9, 2005.


    RAKESH_GITS_FAN : <img src="

    To ,
    The Administrator

    I think the best way to learn music is to learn it completely ...... i.e play n sing simultaneously ............. so i think we should start a new forum for posting AUDIO's recorded by the igt members ...... it will help in learning strumming n solos ....... this will really be helpful for the learners n also ppl will get a chance to show their talent ........ people can lerarn not only to play guitar but also to how to sing along with the rythm ..... so please see into this matter n get the views of other moderators ........ i think this will be really very helpful ......... :think:
  2. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    does anyone know any renowed place in mumbai where you can learn sound recording?!!!
  3. amit82cse

    amit82cse Silent observeR

    I second RAKESH's thought wrt to tabs+chords recording. Voice recording can be an addum. Its timing that matters a lot. There is not any way to call out explicitly the usage of triplet and fourlet in writting tabs on computer, and they can be best understood only after listening. Similarly for chords, patterns and transition matters a lot and that is very hard to communicate using text editor.
  4. akkyy21

    akkyy21 #%@!$&

    Guys we already post recorded stuff on "Indian Rock - Your Band, Your Gig, Your Music " forum,...dont we?

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