Question about Solo(s)

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by SG1, Sep 20, 2006.

  1. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    Well, though, I am not against any such sort of organised jam.
    Am not in for it too.

    What I feel is that ppl should come forward themselves.
    Create their own thread.
    Spam there and let others join.
  2. SG1

    SG1 "Brown Jesus"

    yup this is what everone thinks .. and this is whats goin on .. but i guess someone have to change this a lill .. cuz then forum looks like a Mess.
  3. Johny Bravo

    Johny Bravo The Boy Genius!

    I agree with the basic idea. Its a good way to develop ur skills, besides it will also bring back some life to the forums, something we look forward to working on. You have my consent for the thread or forum or whatever.

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