Please help finding the right IBANEZ

Discussion in 'Guitar Gear Talk Forum' started by tanveer_metal, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. h4f0n

    h4f0n New Member

    Thats really hard to find. And changing pickups is not that hard man (if they fit into the guitar that is) this summer im gonna swap out my Strat's pickups and maybe even my Tele's.

    I would say that its better for someone to learn these things than rely on a luthier.

    Anyways, back to the original post.

    Don't set your eyes on one particular brand just because of their name. As others suggested go check out ESP, Jacksons, Kramer, Dean and even Epiphone Les Pauls.

    Basically, try as many guitars as you can.
  2. annand

    annand the pessimist

    i own an ibanez rg370dx - and i play metal. i also like the Jackson DXMG. check both brands out - play the guitars - see which one speaks to you.
  3. chintan9

    chintan9 yay! i won the ipod!

    hey annand which version is your RG370DX. I own the 2005 model.

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