
Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by SqueakM9, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    bwuah.. :shock:
    for real?

    thats bogus. what else is a law of nature? i hate sticking to typicality. lol
  2. anshphenomenon

    anshphenomenon Rape me :boff:

    ^^PING is the law of nature.
  3. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    wanna sandwich for that? ;)
  4. anshphenomenon

    anshphenomenon Rape me :boff:

    ^^who me?
    hell yes.
  5. amitrichardxess

    amitrichardxess New Member

  6. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    Oh don't tell me you haven't heard the caveman mating ritual story:

    Man meet woman
    Woman fix man sammich
    Man drag woman by hair and take her roughly in the barn

    Pure romance :')
  7. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    bloody hell this thread is stil going???

    i thought i was loosing it by starting this...
    i guess every one is bored...

    how to you delete your own profile again?
  8. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening


  9. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

  10. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    you know i actulie cant work out how to delete yourself...
    its starting to confuse now...
  11. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    Why would you possibly want to delete yourself?
  12. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    well why not???
  13. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    So that you can stay and post?
  14. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    so i am that other cool newbie then???

  15. augur

    augur I love bjr

    Where art thou petunia?

    My e-ego was a little hurt that nobody made a thread for me. *Draws emo tears on face*
  16. augur

    augur I love bjr

    I'll fix this for you.

    Man meet woman
    Man fix himself sandwich
    Woman complains of headache while Man takes himself roughly in the barn.
  17. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    "thankyou thankyou thankyouuu"
    *comes back out on stage, bowing*

    @augur: is that how it usually goes for you? :p
  18. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    hahaha this thread is so so stupid
  19. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    just THIS thread???
  20. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    don'tchoo dare diss mah threads.

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