Nothings gonna change my love for you...

Discussion in 'IGT Soundtrack - Your Band, Your Gig, Your Music' started by Acoustic_Allure, Apr 9, 2006.

  1. Acoustic_Allure

    Acoustic_Allure New Member

    .:SpY_GaMe:. and vini like this.
  2. vini

    vini Repeat Offender

    nice doubts about it
    singing?..u faltered at few places but ur voice is seriously good :nw:
    BUT.. u need to practise for high and low pitches

    Reps vrooomin ur way :)
  3. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

    singing was'nt impressive .... u could consider practicing the song w/o guitars and decide beforhand where u're going to take those short breaths.
    imo the following were out of tune (not stricltly comparing with originals ...but even if u experimented dint sound very good to me)

    'nights wud seem so long'
    'take us where we want to go'
    'like a guiding star'
    'love u just the way u are'
    'help u see forever to..'
    the last time when u sing 'nothings gonna chnge my love for u'
  4. Acoustic_Allure

    Acoustic_Allure New Member

    @ Vini: Thanks for the reps. Also, I am making serious efforts to come up with better covers hence forth.

    @six string: Thanks for your precise feedback and I agree that the breath- pause was not planned. I shall consider this next time. Your point is well-noted.

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