moment of truth

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by astroguru26, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. astroguru26

    astroguru26 New Member

    each second contributes in life
    like in an hourglass
    sand moves from one side to another
    the happiness and joy of achievement..
    the pain and the cruel numbness..
    all ...
    the lost ones and the new unborn ideas..
    the great walk in the future...
    the annoying truth...
    the exclamatory wow...
    the destiny wish..
    the checkmates...
    all counts and pass never to return...

    we stand and watch loosing the sand..each moment..
    history in the making each second...

  2. nimisha

    nimisha .:Forum Leader:.

    good poem...

    we stand and watch..loosing the sand..each moment
    history in making each second..

    we wish to run n hold that sand from losing for sometime..
    present n stillstand atleast one second...

    told u this..coz felt so...

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