Michel jackson Song for Allah

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by faiqrock, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. faiqrock

    faiqrock XaiQ

  2. Aka Oz

    Aka Oz /\K/\ - Ozy

    hmmmm shockin
  3. thecoolone

    thecoolone Judas Priest My Guide

    micheal has gone crazyyy
  4. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member


    is this really him!!!!!!!

    n he really converted to islam

    so the rumour was true!!!!

  5. faiqrock

    faiqrock XaiQ

    Spy: ya really shocking
    @thecoolone:whts crazy:S:S:S.... :think:
  6. ambush

    ambush _RASTA_man_

    that dude(or something close to it)has always been crazy
  7. Bleeding Guitar

    Bleeding Guitar New Member

    yes he has build up a masjid in states and canada huge ones .. but he is still a freak show
  8. m_waleed86

    m_waleed86 KhaMosh GhuStAk

    ^^yup agree with you....hopes he change now!!
  9. Bleeding Guitar

    Bleeding Guitar New Member

    heh i dun think he will change his whole body skin to Brown lolz am craking up hahah
  10. Aka Oz

    Aka Oz /\K/\ - Ozy

    we can only hope :>:>:>
  11. faiqrock

    faiqrock XaiQ

    well ya may be he can stop playing wid kids:D:D:D:D
  12. thecoolone

    thecoolone Judas Priest My Guide

    guys what is the punishment for paedeophiles in the muslim religion ???
    i hope MJ is informed abt it...

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