Micheal Jackson Trial ....

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by bob-bobby, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. bob-bobby

    bob-bobby Extinct or Banned!

    Day one of Jackson trial focuses on accuser, his family.

    A district attorney described in graphic detail to a jury Monday how pop superstar Michael Jackson allegedly sought to alter a teenager's morals as part of a seduction scheme.

    But the defense countered by telling jurors the teen's mother wanted to wring money from the rich and famous.

  2. guns n roses

    guns n roses Pro Guitarist

    he's jus plain gay, and black except white on the outside...like and Oreo, ya know what i mean

    Oreo,. hah/
  3. nadish

    nadish Active Member

    What r ur openion regarding this case???? who's right and who's wrong???
  4. jayswami

    jayswami Blue J

    he should be locked up with martha stewart for life.
  5. guns n roses

    guns n roses Pro Guitarist

    ^ Truueeee!
  6. shak

    shak Harrr!

    i didnt see him doing that ..neither i have seen any evidence ...so i'll say ...innocent until proven guilty .... although i wont be surprised if he is convicted ... hope he likes prison dinners ....
  7. JAZZ

    JAZZ New Member

    M .j is now Phsycic.....he shud give up these things for losing more reputation

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