Love : My perception....

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by Garima, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Garima

    Garima Born to rule <img src="images/smilies/rule.gif" bo

    @Suhas...Thanks ....finallyyy...if m not wrong...u like dark poems right??
  2. shsnawada

    shsnawada Cyborgs &amp; Pasta

    ^ Yes.
    @Sharmontime: Care to read my post there, i did give an example.
  3. nimisha

    nimisha .:Forum Leader:.

    lets have further discussions in chit-chat..
    i've posted a thread there...
    plz reply..
  4. Broken_heart

    Broken_heart New Member

    Lovelly garima...!U'v said it all :)
    Hat's off you rock!
  5. Garima

    Garima Born to rule <img src="images/smilies/rule.gif" bo

    ^^^:) Thanks a tonn Raj....
  6. Sanjay Mazumder

    Sanjay Mazumder ~..::MASTERMIND::..~

    U did return to ur standard! Well Done! I think U do write better in English than Hindi. Wonderful!

    Thank God! There are no Java and Rava! :)

    Reps Reps Reps!
  7. Sanjay Mazumder

    Sanjay Mazumder ~..::MASTERMIND::..~

    B-u-l-l --- S-h-i-t! I can't give U reps any more as I hav given U a lot of reps....

    I get a message like :-

    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Garima again."
  8. abhi_lovespooja

    abhi_lovespooja New Member

    hiiiiiiiii garima,
    hats off to u
    u ve done a gr8 job.......
    beautiful poem...
  9. Garima

    Garima Born to rule <img src="images/smilies/rule.gif" bo wud tk care of Java & Rava frm now on...vaise evn that was fun;) & yeah, i already got my reps...when u thot of gving me reps :grin: Thank You

    @Abhi....Thanks dude....for being so regular in reading my poems. Thanks again:):)
  10. potty_gal

    potty_gal Banned

    @Shsnawada-Love is what I felt for notty when I first saw him.
  11. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    @potty_gal, i dont know who you are, but we're going to have to ban you if you just keep flaming things up, you are warned. I saw your posts in other threads and i have to say, if you insult any of our members, you're out, period. Watch it.
  12. Loopy Fruit

    Loopy Fruit New Member

    It's way too mushy for me. But you're skilled poetically, it's evident. Try writing about something other than love.
  13. shak

    shak Harrr!

    absolutely mind blowing!!!!
    words forsake me now. . but true .. most of the time i was nodding my head like crazy when i was going through the explanations ..
    garrryyy ... you rule!
  14. Subhro

    Subhro Argentina lost :&quot;(

    I second that.

    ur best poem til date. truly amazing.

    reps. cheers! :">
  15. Garima

    Garima Born to rule <img src="images/smilies/rule.gif" bo

    @Loopy fruit....i did try :eek::
    @Shak ...Thanks buddy :eek::
    @Subhro...Thanks to u too :):)
  16. khuram82

    khuram82 ......:mad:........

    hmm what can i say :eek:: its toooooooooo goood.......... that is rather the best way to think of it......... a positive approach ......................... but the last line once again.......didnt click :p: this time no twists but yeah it didnt click ;)

    to me this is ur best work in poetry i've seen so far ;) ......... let me get u reps from all others who havent read this one yet :p:

    reps from me along with (FK) n (LK) ;)
  17. Garima

    Garima Born to rule <img src="images/smilies/rule.gif" bo

    ^^^LOL .....Thanks sweetheart :):)...lemme kno wat the confusion is .... i mite b able to clear it up :)
    ahem....wat shud i say for reps....Thank U :eek::

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