lavina's day out

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by beginner_lavina, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. @vini: the donuts were awesome :) i havent had the whole thing yet.. munchkins got over today morning and i have about 7 donuts left

    @hundredthone: donuts for rs 5? :RollLol: nice one.. how do they taste

    @cryptic, spy: im not fat :mad:
  2. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member

    @ aj i didnt

    i used the term "double motti" :grin:
  3. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    EDIT..Those donuts look wonderful, zomfg this thread is so cool.
  4. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    crabbiness will get you everywhere :-*
  5. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    Hah, only you will ever get the meaning of the EDIT <3
  6. thanks man :beer:
  7. basit_jaaaani

    basit_jaaaani I'm gUnnin' fer uuu

    my thoughts exactly

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