Kunal Khemu Or Emraan Haashmi!!!!!!

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by bughole5, May 6, 2008.

  1. bughole5

    bughole5 New Member

  2. elfascinating

    elfascinating risqué

    You look more like ummmm ..

    a loser.
  3. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    But you and I, we've been through that.

    *guitar solo*
  4. nazr

    nazr angel is my genital..

    Khemu and hashmi's offspring.
  5. augur

    augur I love bjr

    Congrats on looking like two non-entities of Bollywood. Hope your mama's proud of you.
  6. bughole5

    bughole5 New Member

    freakin indians.......cant answer a question in a straightforward way
  7. kavindra

    kavindra New Member

    ho ohohohoo.... truly u luk like a cross b/w both with an extreme dose of feminity.
  8. kavindra

    kavindra New Member

    quite similar to me.
  9. bughole5

    bughole5 New Member

  10. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    yes, we rather enjoy that.

    So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.

  11. bughole5

    bughole5 New Member

    theres nothing to proud of about that buddy........u telln me that indians enjoy being annoying pieces assclowns ?
  12. elfascinating

    elfascinating risqué

    And you enjoy attempting to get a massage to your ego on the internet?

    Get a life dud(e).
  13. augur

    augur I love bjr

    Oh Noes... you've removed your pics. How shall we ever tell now!?

    There goes my chance of photoshopping a penis cumming on your pic.
  14. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    to people like you? yes.

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