Japanese Animes anyone?

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by lord_neo, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. lord_neo

    lord_neo Guest

    Anybody here watch's Japanese Animes like Naruto, Bleach etc ?
  2. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member

    is great teacher onizuka japanese manga??

    give it a try
  3. GeorgeBush

    GeorgeBush Banned

    dbz/gt diehard here!!
  4. lord_neo

    lord_neo Guest

    Yes GTO is an anime and a good one. DBZ is one of the most popular animes of all time. Anyone watching new animes?
  5. taxyse

    taxyse t3h.

    man..dbz :nw:...i still hate cartoon network fer not showin it properly...i missed almost all of the fun part.....can i not get the whole series from somwhere???
  6. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    Naruto pwns man...
    havnt really caught up on Bleach...the first few episodes were kinda boring.

    anyone seen akira (the movie)

    PS--Im looking for Ghost in the shell episodes...anyone has them...plz PM
  7. lord_neo

    lord_neo Guest

    Ghost in the shell airs on animax, i think. The movie ghost in the shell is a classic i dont think the series matches with the movie.
  8. GeorgeBush

    GeorgeBush Banned

    @taxyse - dbz is kickass! i have dbz ..trunks saga/buu saga<xept kidbuu>/frieza saga/garlic jr saga/imperfect n perfect cell saga/fusion saga and also have return of cooler movie...and 2 broly movies as well! itc kickass!

    btw..has anyone seen full metal alchemists! they own jap animes!
    the ones they show in animax/axn is kinda boring!
  9. taxyse

    taxyse t3h.

    ghost in the shell the mvie was amazing ....i saw it on axn...long time back...kick ass..
    oye bush...where do u live man :think:
  10. lord_neo

    lord_neo Guest

    I have watched almost full metal alchemists episodes did you happen to see the new full metal alchemists movie?
  11. GeorgeBush

    GeorgeBush Banned

    nope! is there a movie too?! i dunno abt it! rite now ..my vacations ..so im involved in transformers! :) i really love seeing the way they transform!
    im really a cartoon geek!
  12. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    yeah....but I need all the episodes as im not able to catch the show on Animax

    Anyway animax is a kiddy channel now, they air some really annoying stuff majority of the times
  13. god of guitar85

    god of guitar85 GUITARPLAYER

    i loved dragonball Z and dragonball GT
    Currently i'm watching Naruto and it sure Rocks!!!!!!

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