Jal's new vdeo Paanchi (comment here)

Discussion in 'Pakistani Guitar Tabs - Submit or Request' started by Psychoz, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. Spellbinder

    Spellbinder Crescentarian

    Does any one know the concept of teri yaad's video
  2. Aka Oz

    Aka Oz /\K/\ - Ozy

    nop.....there is no concept of teri yaad
  3. dashingmoiz

    dashingmoiz New Member

    If it's Jal, it's great!

    A very very good low budget video with a simple concept and that too in Mumbai. I love it.
  4. dashingmoiz

    dashingmoiz New Member


    Don't ask yaar! U know, when I asked this question to Babar Sheikh, the director of Teri Yaad, he said, "It doesn't have any concept. Actually, I wasn't shooting a Jal video, I wanted to shoot the circus and I did it."

  5. Aka Oz

    Aka Oz /\K/\ - Ozy

    babar sheikh suxsssssssss
  6. nadish

    nadish Active Member

    I not intrested in downloading Jal's VDO's
  7. JAZZ

    JAZZ New Member

    wuts the point in making son many videos ????
  8. Spellbinder

    Spellbinder Crescentarian

    A great song done by Goher But doesnot go with a vague video
  9. pakijawan

    pakijawan New Member

    sad to say video sucks big time,come to think of it it seems not muhc now days ANY band is making good videos,or i guess they just cant afford a good video,like this jal or even some old video of them or noori ,mostly all video, which are like these guys standing there and just singing thier head off,they suck,i think a video should have some what little story to it,like shazad roy new SALI video which was interesting and fun to watch,if someone is just standing there and camra is just showing their face ,thats one boring ass music video man...!!!
  10. Aka Oz

    Aka Oz /\K/\ - Ozy

    i agree @ pakijawan...............shahzad's roy new vdo is a gr8 fun to watch........
  11. dashingmoiz

    dashingmoiz New Member

    Naheen yaar. Jal have it's own essence! As I said earlier, "I love it."

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