Intro: blues funk guitarist/ songwriter

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by kshitijdhyani, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. kshitijdhyani

    kshitijdhyani New Member

    Hi, I am Kshitij Dhyani, an architect from Delhi. I have been playing guitar for about say 3-4 years now, and into blues, rock n roll, funk and alternative/ punk. I have been learning from Adil Manuel (Bandish) off and on. My rig consists of-
    1. squire telecaster
    2. GB95 wah
    3. DS2
    4. CS3
    5. AD9 delay
    6.Brand X 1x6" amp

    I have been looking for band members to do some blues covers and original songs (some of them are in hindi, and not in a shitty fusion kinda way!)

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