In the clutches of my being

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by monica_decosta, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. monica_decosta

    monica_decosta Active Member

    The surrounding, the known
    even the unknown
    like the painted the sculpted
    and then the un-painted the raw stone left un-touched
    define me as christened
    like define the monalisa or the sphinx
    more than some times this unfinished, unpainted
    urges my creator sprite to grow more
    even if it requires the empty spaces or the un-sculpted be used
    like they all want to do it even if their pictures in my mind goes dimmer
    In the clutches of my being there is less that i can say no to. Amen !!!
  2. sicshit

    sicshit New Member

    good....but about some blasmephous dark lyrics....with riffs goin' on u knw...

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