How happy are you today?

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by bjr, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    <3s u guys coz u makes me very happy
  2. benz

    benz classical demon

    I can understand dude;) anyone would be with this sort of W-T-F threads i mean what do people get out of posting such bullshit.
  3. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    marry me F uck me!!!!
    hanging here
  4. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    yeah, you probably wouldn't know irony if it poked you in the eye.
  5. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    Awww..<3 now i will be. promise. im back at my apt and ive got my internet up and one to tell me shit <3
    Lmfao. i love you!!!!
    And you!!!!!

    Im heppy heppy!!!! Dont know why, and the grass hasnt even kicked in yet ;) playing..i dont smoke that shyte.
  6. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    i do...
  7. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    man im feeling much better now...
    soup in a cup...
    the bastard that invented that deserves a medal
  8. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    You know who else does?... Hot pockets!
  9. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    WTF are those???
  10. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    research tells me what im going to be feed when i reach chicago...
    looks good 2...
  11. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    Alabama Hot Pockets?

    damn, I am disgusting.

    and I'm happy because it is saturday. Pronounce saturday like daffy duck.

  12. SqueakM9

    SqueakM9 mumble

    i ppppppphhooooooooooorgot you were 6 1/2 hours behind me...
  13. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

  14. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    today is one of those days where I can be happy as a dead pig in sunshine.

    I want to burst out into a song!

  15. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    Look up Alabama Hot Pockets on urbandictionary or something.
  16. haunting

    haunting sully

    hot pockets

    i got it ,these r small microvable meals sold under maggi brand owned by nestle.not available in nz squeak.
  17. taxyse

    taxyse t3h.

    happy.. very... now that im back home from the horrible trip to delhi ...
    although i did get to check out a lot of stuff...
  18. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    @bjr: Howd you come up with that metaphor? I thought you could do better. :(

    @taxyse: so it (the trip) wasnt all that horrible! :)
  19. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    nah, It's a Kaki King song title that fascinates the hell out of me.

    I'd say I was happy as Paris Hilton sitting on a cocaine mountain.

    I know. I'm losing it.
  20. haunting

    haunting sully


    coool. a pleasant weather today.i'm in jail and its raining outside.i'm cooling
    garaj baras sawan ghir aayo.

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