Hotel California Instrumental - My Style

Discussion in 'IGT Soundtrack - Your Band, Your Gig, Your Music' started by geniusoid, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. geniusoid

    geniusoid Acoustic Alchemist

    Mohsin, thanks for the ratings.... I rate that myself as a 4 or 5 outta 10....

    STRUMMING CHANGES - Actually had just recorded the strumming some weeks back to sing that song, but decided i`ll just doodle on it.

    TAKING CLASSES - Nope.....been decades since I took classes....considering my work pressure, I hardly get time to even strum, forget classes. I cant even play the 7th chords yet - i know just majors and minors.

    CLASSICAL FEELIN - Thanks .... wanted to make it sound tht way intentionally

    OUTTA SCALE AT TIMES - Not scale, u mean outta the original tune. I played this totally impromptu - i played the chords in Winamp and just played wht my heart wanted to....the 1st time I got interrupted by my mom calling me for dinner; the second time I got a clean stretch till the end. Yeah I missed notes, I know, but considering it was totally impromptu, a bit more proper definition of the notes will get me over that - but I hate playing practised - even now if I play it again, the notes wont be the same totally

    SAME NOTES AGAIN and AGAIN - Yeah i know....was just a build up....plz refer impromptu points above...when u`re playing impromptu and u know wht chords are to come, but ur mind is dull enough to not throw new patterns at the spur of the moment, u think "hey tht sounded neat last time...lets repeat it"

    "great job.. a very few errors ...damn good sound' - Thanks once again....glad u liked it :)

  2. geniusoid

    geniusoid Acoustic Alchemist

    Thanks zicky.....thts zilch towards perfection....dont compare urself to mortals; i never do tht....guess thts wht works for me.....IGT is never a good enough platform to gauge urself - aim for the sky, listen to some McLaughlin shit and start pegging urself to them....will help u a lot :)



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