Hey Can U Sell Me Drum Set

Discussion in 'Guitar Gear Talk Forum' started by sumit.inurheart, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. laneymaney

    laneymaney Banned

    dont expect much...hes an *******
  2. chintan9

    chintan9 yay! i won the ipod!

    haha he aint using it anyway
  3. laneymaney

    laneymaney Banned

    yea...but still he can be a real biach sometimes...most of the time...ALL THE TIME
  4. chintan9

    chintan9 yay! i won the ipod!

    hehe give it a shot. How is the kit anyway/?
  5. laneymaney

    laneymaney Banned

    honestly its awful.....but what do u expect for the price..
  6. laneymaney

    laneymaney Banned

    i will try convince him so chill :p
  7. UjSen

    UjSen *#!EVIL*!!


    if ur just starting of , get a cheap 4k drum kit (local made) its saddenning yes....but still..........

    LEFTY_GUITARIST -= M®. §öU†|-|ÞäW =-

    hey laney..........................i think there is no frnd of urs ....:p: the drum kit us urs:grin:.......kiddin...

    and as ur the laney....can u plz temme the price of RB3 ??
  9. laneymaney

    laneymaney Banned

    well chintan...that twit said no dude...sorry :(

    and no clue abt rb3....RB4 is 15k

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