Hamer SP2F-CS: anyone?

Discussion in 'Guitar Gear Talk Forum' started by ustdjohnny, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. ustdjohnny

    ustdjohnny New Member

    Hi guys
    Has anyone bought/used a Hamer SP2F-CS? It's a Les paul copy and I'm getting it for 12,000. I play mostly jazz-blues coloured fusion/rock. I have en Epiphone Les paul 100 but its intonation is ****ed. And somehow, I feel a guitar dies when you fiddle with the truss rod.
    Advice? Suggestion?
  2. fictional_real

    fictional_real Pyaasi Jawani

    ^^^why dont u check its reviews on www.harmony-central.com? or just type the guitar's name on google....u can track down forums related to it.

    i dont think ...any of the IGTians posses HAMER here...though they will comment soon.
  3. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    The guitar doesn't die but rather faints if you fiddle with the truss rod. Get your guitar to a proper guy who could refiddle it back and wake it up from the fainted state. Happened to my guitar :)
  4. ustdjohnny

    ustdjohnny New Member

    Thanks, but...

    Thanks for the replies, guys. I checked harmony central. It's got good reviews but my LP100 had very bad reviews and I am very happy with it. So! And Ronnie, can you suggest a good truss rod fiddler in Mumbai? Furtados?
  5. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    Sorry. I know Mumbai only in India map. In case you are coming to Bangalore or Chennai I can help you.
  6. fictional_real

    fictional_real Pyaasi Jawani

    @ustdjohnny .....dude, can you just wait 4 a week....i'll find out a good truss rod fiddler in mumbai for you. ok?

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