FireFox Vs IE

Discussion in 'Computer Forum' started by amit82cse, Jun 18, 2006.


Which browser u use: IE or FireFox?

  1. IE

    4 vote(s)
  2. FF

    19 vote(s)
  1. rockbabun

    rockbabun New Member

    firefox for me too
  2. g0g0l

    g0g0l ! SpAm

    No doubt, but still, it consumes to much resource and there are several problems like virus problems etc Arre yaar ye to microsoft hai! Kabhi vi koi kam thik se nahi kar sakta... :)
  3. debankan

    debankan The bassist from hell

    Jwalonto seyal for me.
  4. g0g0l

    g0g0l ! SpAm

    let me explain....

    Jwalonto = burning

    seyal = Fox
  5. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member

    so thats the end of igt i guess...:p:

    opera uses less of the memory usage thing compared to firefeox
  6. satch_attack

    satch_attack New Member

    Lnyx the "best ' browser ..hahahhahahahahahahahh...but ..seriously ..its a text web browser so it can blow any of the ones we have irght now in terms of speed ..i have used lnyx in my old 1920 linux distro which i might add.. dint have a GUI !!!! .
    but regarding IE7..dont think its that bAD ..alpha..u runnin Beta 2 ???...because by the looks of Beta 1...everybody will say firefox is better but in beta 2..the gap between IE and firefox is a lot smaller

    .most of those instability bugs have being removed in beta 2 ..somehow for me ..beta 1 used to keep crashing at regular intervals but it doesnt happen with beta 2 ..

    and any of u use Netscape 8 ??? i think it must be the "best looking" and slowest browser ever !!!!
    and ..if anyone remember ..opera was called the fastest browser on earth .so enough bragging about firefox's "lightning speed"
  7. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    I use IE Beta 2.

    But regarding Opera vs Firefox pageloading wise.

    Firefox wins. Really.
    On all other accounts, Opera wins.

    Opera and IE7 though donot consume so much RAM, do tax your virtual memory (paged file).
    Firefox, however relies more on RAM, and less on virtual memory.

    End result?
    Firefox operates much faster. However, too much of RAM consumption, and your system gets bogged down.

    Check for yourself.
  8. rabi_sultan

    rabi_sultan <Bulla Ki Jana>

    I've got all three installed and I use Firefox the most.
  9. ambush

    ambush _RASTA_man_

    Firefox with fasterfox extension and adblock is the best for Igt

    Opera is great for everything else
  10. rabi_sultan

    rabi_sultan <Bulla Ki Jana>

    Make IGT faster with FF

    1) type "about:config" in the url bar
    2) search for the word "pipe"
    3) set the two pipeline parameters to "true"
    4) change the number 4 to 8
  11. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

    Attached Files:

  12. CrYpTiC_angel

    CrYpTiC_angel Rebelle!

    I dont use IE but tried opening that site on it. It didn't give me any error and opened it just fine!
  13. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

    hmm there was no way i could validate (what i got from sm1 else ) b4 posting. im on linux.
  14. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    ^ HAHA!
    This looks like another attemp by Firefox zealots to deface Microsoft and IE.

    Hoho, a damp squib!
  15. satch_attack

    satch_attack New Member

    it loaded just fine in my browser .IE no one !!!

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