Convincing You

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by in_the_alley, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. in_the_alley

    in_the_alley New Member

    Convincing You

    As it rained
    in a sparkling night
    like a new born,
    continuing while I wrote those first words.
    I was convinced, now it is up to you.

    As she sighed
    in the crossover alley
    like a parting train,
    continuing while I held my gaze.
    I was convinced, now it is up to you.

    As I dreamt
    in plastered walls
    like a shrunken destiny,
    continuing ephemerally.
    I was convinced, now it is up to you.

    ...and oh this is an original piece ...and look forward to feedbacks from you guys

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