Chord Dictionary

Discussion in 'Beginner's Q&A Forum' started by Harsh Kumar, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. Harsh Kumar

    Harsh Kumar The Official IGT Jester

    So am i allowed to post a freeware chord dictionary over here.
    If i am reply to this thread and i'll attach it.
  2. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

    yes you are....
  3. vini

    vini Repeat Offender

  4. Harsh Kumar

    Harsh Kumar The Official IGT Jester

    OK so heres the deal

    Download the Chord dictionary.
    It is very helpful for everyone who does not have a n elephants memory.
    BTW what is 'memory like an elephant mean' I think it is the capacity of our brains hard drive be the size of an elephant. well who cares
    see the dic.


    This is not the original programme i was planning to upload but this is also very helpful.
    If anyone needs the other dic then pm me

    Attached Files:

  5. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

  6. DJCrunkMix

    DJCrunkMix Get crunked up!

  7. Harsh Kumar

    Harsh Kumar The Official IGT Jester

    OK this was not quiet the response i was hoping to get, coz this is also a cool one. and BTW sorry for the delay i had to renew my dialup.
  8. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

    @sixstring :RollLol: ROFLMBFAO man....
    hey harch how many "dic"s u got yaar...?
  9. Harsh Kumar

    Harsh Kumar The Official IGT Jester

    whats with u kax i donno what kind of jakes u crack.
    why the hell are u laughing like an @$$ in all my posts
  10. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

    dunno - i guess its just ur (hrmphh) sense of humor :RollLol:

    chal sorry bout that yaar
    nuthin actually - im jjust a wack thrust me up an elephants ass.....
  11. Harsh Kumar

    Harsh Kumar The Official IGT Jester

    dude u need an e-manners class
  12. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

    *digs nose, spits, stomps on the cigarette he just smoked and walks away...*
  13. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    dude wtf????

  14. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

    heads up wizzy - watch out fer his sense of humor too....
  15. rahulp

    rahulp **Fallen Angel**

    Phew!!! This is getting harder by the minute :mad: !!

    Firstly Harsh, You do a good thing! Appreciated!!! First time in your life you posted a sensible thread!!! You asked the right questions, you followed protocol, took permission and you posted a pretty decent dictionary!!!

    BUT THEN... you had to scr** it up!!! You had to open your pandora's box!!!

    You use your sms book to look up that a dictionary is equal to a dic.

    You then had to retaliate at Fat Kax cuz you don't like his "jakes".. you had to tell him about e-manners!!!

    And you had to wince and cry over the response you get!!!

    O Lord :nw: ,... I am just waiting for the next ice age to see a DODO get extinct.
  16. Harsh Kumar

    Harsh Kumar The Official IGT Jester

    rahul ji just chill. it waz a 'jake'. i wont do that any more
  17. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

  18. rahulp

    rahulp **Fallen Angel**

    Look dude... its nothing that I have against you... Just that sometimes you present us with an undeniable opportunity to bash you up!!! NOt that nobody is allowed to be silly .. but only sometimes!!!

    So play the guitar, have a good time... if you have good questions.. ask and you shall recieve!!!

    By the way .. your new nickname is Mr. Sense of Humor!!! So your wish has been granted!!! Fatty and Dennis can testify for this!!

    ps: Some of us would be keeping you on a very short leash!!!

    Untill Later!!!
  19. amit82cse

    amit82cse Silent observeR

    Why you all always hijack Harsh's threads?:think:
  20. Priyank_Jal_fan

    Priyank_Jal_fan ..:[Snip]:..

    Mr. Manners.....:RollLol::RollLol::RollLol::RollLol::

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