Buying a V Shaped Jackson Tulsi Guitars

Discussion in 'Guitar Gear Talk Forum' started by rcmaiden, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. jekyll

    jekyll Banned

    MArshall MG IS A TOY!

    agreed :nw:

    i want Boogie :cry1:
  2. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    You mean Boogie Man who scares the kids away.
  3. abhijitnath

    abhijitnath Fighting GAS frantically

    Hey Ronnie
    Most of the time I do agree with you:)
    But the Explorers are REALLY comfortable and balanced...they just stay still when you stand and play, as opposed to say a Strat which is neck heavy most of the time. but yeah, both an Explorer and especially a Flying are a freaking nightmar eto play sitting down.
    Btw a question for whoever got the PRS made..did he carve the top exactly the way a real PRS is? Or was it a flat top?
  4. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    @ronnie - wow man...i see you already started spamming a lot these days!
  5. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    C'mon man. Where did I spam in this thread.

    Actually Strat are pretty well balanced too. With a heavy neck, they have a heavy body too. Though the guitar is heavy still has a comfortable feel to it even whether you sit or stand while playing. Super Strats are probably the most comfortable.
  6. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    i think he meant mesa boogie :p:
  7. jekyll

    jekyll Banned

    boogie woogie

    mesa boogie

  8. bobbit_uncut

    bobbit_uncut Banned

    Randall Amplifier sounds the best.

    Marshall doesnt have the bite to it.
  9. nebuchadnezzar

    nebuchadnezzar G34r G33k

    @abhijit..I made that is somewhat of a carved top..ofcourse, he couldnt carve a thin maple cap to put on it as I had wanted (I am so greedy!!:p:)...Tulasi's body work is pretty good..
    Here is a pic..

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  10. Nanda

    Nanda Bassist

    Totally agree with u dude ... Guess when i picked up a Jumbo accoustic firts i found it uncomfortable !!!!!!!
    Anyway The Fly - V ' s r uncomfortable to SIT and play ... but when u stand its real cool ...
    And the Explorers are good even when u SIT BETTER THAN STRAT .. as u get better grip ...
  11. rcmaiden

    rcmaiden New Member

    now comin to processors. which one do u recommend.
    like i cant afford the costly ones. i know that the cheapest
    one is around 5000 bucks(zoom-505). any other items
    which u recommend. around the same price. probably
    1500 bucks more thats it. not more than that.
  12. fictional_real

    fictional_real Pyaasi Jawani

    Korg AX1000G is very famous among here. A decent one. I think you should save some more for processor. Its better to buy a good thing rather than regreting afterwards for buying a cheap one which gives low quality.

    I have't used Zoom 505 but i haven't heard anything good about it from my friends.
  13. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    For small budget RP80 is the best out there.
  14. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    ^^ rp80 rocks!!...that too for that much price! cant compare it with the 200's and 300's of the same...but its almost the same thing....rp80 has xpression pedal like others....has got all features like other of the same xept for extra input jacks and recording ability! ....its all the same when it comes to effects....only difference is that you cant navigate through it so easily like rp200 or 300!:rockon:

    im planning to get the distortion factory 7 by december after cancelling plans of ax500...i checkd that out and it sucked big time and didnt match my needs...!.....DF 7 rocks anyday!
    i also love the grunge pedal!
  15. sridhar11_2

    sridhar11_2 Instrumental guitarist

    how much is the DF-7?
  16. rcmaiden

    rcmaiden New Member

    oh ok,
    how much do u think an rp80 will cost?
    an approximate guess.........................
  17. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    rp80 costs 5500 bucks only
  18. abhijitnath

    abhijitnath Fighting GAS frantically

    Thanks man. I went to a guy in Mumbai called Albertos and I faced the same problem...they dont get solid quilt maple in India...only veneer....and you cant carve that!
    I toyed with the idea of getting the wood from Canada (my sister stays there) but that idea is still in limbo
  19. nebuchadnezzar

    nebuchadnezzar G34r G33k

    What Tulasi said was that doing a carved maple top is difficult and the chance of it getting messed it up is high...if this Alberto's is confident that he can do a good job then get the wood..coz I guess quilted maple would be damn costly ...
  20. jekyll

    jekyll Banned

    Hey i asked this to Ron also ...

    suppose i go to the Tulsi dude and ask him to make an Explorer or Flying V shape - will he charge more than the usual 8.5K just because of the shape?

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