beginner rock band..genre-Hard Rock(not Metal)

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by manku911, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. manku911

    manku911 New Member

    hey there!!
    my name is Mayank..i think i am the newest member to this and some of my friends are thinking of forming a band..we have a drummer(fair player) vocalist(good singer)...and two of which is an acoustic guitarist or i should say clean guitarist..other is ME...distortion+ lead( i just hope)...we dont have much practice but we have two months tym before we can try our first hand in stage i wanted to ask for some beginner tracks we can pull off some of green day...or some easy some of "offspring"...or some oldies like by "kinks" or deep purple please suggest me some good tracks so we can stress some specefic tracks in jam sessions....

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