Hi, Similar threads are floating around, so I thought make one for Bangalore. Even though I am not from Bangalore for all practical purposes I am settled in Bangalore currently. So lets mingle. The idea of the thread is share new of happening Music Events, Competitions, Gigs, etc.. In any of your band is playing, we can try catching you there or maybe our bands can even gig together. I am sure it will help us in knowing about the scene and also help us getting more gigs :think: or whatever. This can also help in a bit of local musician classified, so that when you band has a requirements you can rope in somebody easily. Also a chance to know and meet up people and jam. Somebody please make this thread sticky. I dont have enough points to do that. Please dont spam here or make any unrelated discussions here. For long I was expecting somebody to make some kind of thing like this for Bangalore. Start of with 1. What Instrument You Play. 2. What Band You Play and What Style. 3. Influences. 4. Your Music Style. 5. Any Gig in the immediate future.
1. What Instrument You Play - Keyboard, Acoustic Guitar 2. What Band You Play and What Style - Not in any band. 3. Influences - Cine music, Bryan Adams, MLTR. 4. Your Music Style - Nothing specific.
Let me kick start off the thread 1. Instrument: Mainly Lead and Rhythm. Always prefer a single guitarist approach for a band like Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple. But I do play with a second guitarist too. Used to be a drummer more than 10 years back and did a few gigs. But now totally lost in touch, so cannot do much now 2. Bands: Played for Sailing Ships a Blues Rock Jam Band, did a gig and great jam sessions. Currently inactive. Played for another nameless band which played Blues Rock. We were about to play Live in Palace Grounds but then something happened and the band disbanded. Played for Sacrilege, a Death Metal and Black Metal band. Played one gig which didn't go well because of Sound Problems on stage. Current state is disbanded. Currently playing for Spellbound, a classic Metal band focussing on 80s Metal and mainly original compositions. This band is formed very recently and we haven't had much of jam sessions. 3. Influences: Too many. Mainly Ritchie Blackmore, Tony Iommi, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Clapton and specially Ritchie Kotzen to a large extent. 4. Personally prefer to play free gigs everyday and play total jams like Greatful Dead, Phish or Govt.Mule. Dont play like this because not good enough to play like them. I play mostly 60s, 70s Blues Rock and play it in a different way. I do play a bit of Metal because of the band I play in, otherwise I dont. Currently interest in shifting towards playing Acoustic maybe things like Beatles, Jethro Tull, Led Zep or Tesla. 5. We are playing at the Indian Institute of Science on 29th or 30th. I dont have any details 'cos I am not involved in these things. I just go there and play. Will update if I get further details. We might play the October Sunday Jam but this is not sure because I might be out of station then. Hope to catch you guys in the Sunday Jam or the IISc Fest.
Hey good u started something like this ... Can get some bands requirements fulfilled easily ... Ok This is my info ... 1. What Instrument You Play : Bass , Vocals (Used to do it in college, but dint work out much after that, But would love to do its sometime soon ...). Can do heavy vocals and can try a bit of melody. Started recently on bass. But pretty confident of playing stuffs. 2. What Band You Play and What Style : I am in a band called SpellBound. A classic metal band. Doing bass. Previously was in bands which didnt do anything much... Garage Inc , Marionette Kestral .... was a vocalist then .. did all shows where we screwed up big time !! 3. Influences : Hell lot of them, Ozzy, Butler, Cliff Burton, Dave Mustaine, James Heitfeild, Steve Harris (Share my B'day with him...) , Bruce dickinson, Danni Davel Filth, Steven Tyler, Stradlin , Axl ... etc and etc ...... 4. Your Music Style : Rock any form any type ... Classic to Death metal ... 5. Any Gig in the immediate future : Indian Institute of Science on 29th or 30th .... Hope lets see !!!!!
Hey guys... I m not from Banglore...But goin to be soon.Myself got placed in a MNC in Blore...Currently in chennai... Will get there on Nov 2nd. 1. What Instrument You Play - Acoustic & Electric Guitar..not that an expert..but an amateur 2. What Band You Play and What Style - Not in any band. 3. Influences - Eric Clapton , GnR ,Led Zepplin 4. Your Music Style - blues as well as classic rock. 5. Any Gig in the immediate future - Still long way to go
1. Instrument : Rythm Guitar, Bass, Drums, Some leads (not good at any, though) 2. Bands and Style : Have played bass for some Nightwish covers on stage but mostly just rythm guitar for some classic rock/metal bands. Nothing really stuck so I'm back to playing blues cos thats the only thing I really get. 3. Influences : SRV, Hendrix, Clapton, McCartney, BB King, Satriani, Vai.............. BB King and SRV mainly. 4. Music Style : Pseudo-Bluesy-rock'n'roll-craptastic-fusion 5. Any Gig in the immediate future : Not till I stop sucking.
I am sort of from bangalore (origin). And i accuse you people of racism. *buys portraits of stalin and mao*
1. What Instrument You Play -- accoustic guitar, mainly rythm 2. What Band You Play and What Style. -- not in any band, new to bangalore 3. Influences. - heavy metal, grunge, classic, blues, punk etc..... 4. Your Music Style. - anything goes ...
@ronnie - wow.....cool avatar man!:rock:.........i am supposed to be in blore in another year.....but i decided to stay back in beautiful mumbai in a hostel till finish my degree!
OK here goes 1. What Instrument You Play - ELECTRIC Guitar 2. What Band You Play and What Style - Just formed a band covering Sabbath, Doors, Led Zep,Hendrix,Rolling Stones,AC/DC,etc. My style - basically blues orientedwith a lot of legato runs (have'nt got any speed yet on picking that's the reason for the legato) 3. Influences - Joe Satriani,Vai,Frank, Dweezil Zappa,Steve Morse,Hendrix,SRV,BB King,Muddy waters,Joe Pass,Jimmy page,Knoffler,Clapton,Jeff Beck and truck loads more. 4. Your Music Style - Blues based virtuoso type intent ( like satriani) but dont know how it comes out 5. Any Gig in the immediate future - Have'nt even started rehearsing with the band so Maybe - Maybe not who knows but certainly hope so.
@rocking_devil.....Thanks man ........It's just me i guess... By the way check out this guy - Mattias IA Eklundh https://www.favorednations.com/artists/me/me_media.html he even covers Smoke On the Water - AWESOME ONE . His main influence was Frank Zappa hence the unique style Right now you might be asking what's this gotta do with the Bangalore music scene .....................................Well He's coming to tour here with "legendary bass player Jonas Hellborg" By the way does anyone know Jonas Hellborg ( his name seems so familiar but i just cant put my finger on it)
Ronnie, this may be offtopic BUT i have heard Sridhar's recording - awesome, although I dunno if what he played was by SRV or not, whatever he played sounded gr8 to me. Kudos to you man.
@sridhar - wow.....cool...i viewed ur profile a while back.....ur interesting to me.....u see even im a pool addict.i know many tricks of playing it!
i actually am only decent no good against actual pool players. I just like playing. Ok to keep things going check out this interview of Jonas Hellborg and also pics with classical indian musicians https://www.bassinside.com/2002/december/hellborg.htm
@Sridhar. Same here dude. Basically Blues Oriented with a lot of Legato runs because my picking sucks