Atheistic Faith At Work

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by dlogic, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. ssslayer

    ssslayer Banned

    oye kaiser ... whatever u say "might be" / "is" true ...

    but u know these concepts were made in first place ...

    it is coz human beings are insecure ... they need to be "told" what to do ... hence came the religion ...
    they need someonce to take care of their worries and problems (including the ones they have no control over) ... hence came god ...

    and y is all this there: coz humans have brains ...

    do u think animals (or plants) ... believe in god ... ahve religion ... yeah that thing is open to debate ... but the fact is they dont stand to gain anything by believing in those concepts ...

    but in the case of human beings ... it is benificaial / useful ... hence we beleive in such concepts ...

    it is very easy to blast and lamabst the beleivers ... but you know a true atheist is a person who can understand y people are believers ...
  2. dlogic

    dlogic Zuitarist

    If you ask me sincerly ..."do you belive in gods existence?!?!!" i would say " i dont know...cuz i dont have any proof"

    if you are a wise guy you will definetly agree with the following...
    1 Nothing can defy logic...the whole universe works on logic
    2 The second law of thermodynamics states that the universe (i.e. all systems) tend to the greatest degree of randomization i.e. All systems in the universe tend to degrade or gain entropy.

    How do you know....give me proof!!!

    again give me proof.....have you interacted with those men .....or is it written some where

    whatever is taught is wrong?!!?!!?!?!!!? It can be correct too........

    second law in action matter what the system would have been it would have how can you say that the degradation is because of the religion

    Look vertically up and spit on will see the spit lands on your face...
  3. ssslayer

    ssslayer Banned

    altho i dont totally agree with dlogic ...

    but as i stated earlier ... we need to be pragmatic ... rather than dogmatic ...
  4. cYpHeR

    cYpHeR Banned

    thts gravity :p:
  5. ssslayer

    ssslayer Banned

    well i get a weird feeling ... that "the machines" are spamming on this thread ...
    mebbe to the extent of hijacking ...

    so me outta this thread ...
    msg to comrade machines: stay clear of spammy threads ...
  6. vivo_b

    vivo_b The Brave

    Here's one was actually thought up by a physicist to prove the existance of the universe.

    For a scientific experiment/proof observation is the key. Without observing, you can't know something about anything....therefore the observer is as much a part of the experiment as the experiment itself.
    Do we/the earth/the universe so forth exist? Most will agree the answer to this is YES. Now isn't it true that without an observer to observe our existance, we would be a futile experiment? This simple logic leads to the conclusion of an observer....god/alien/creator....wuteva.....but a observer must exist for us to exist.

    Now a paradox.....we(majority) believe in god.....belief is a kind of we keep god in existence.....who in return observes us and keeps us in existance. So if all of us suddenly stop believing in the observer we might cause our own end!!!!!!
    Also, as long as ONLY ONE of us continues to believe in the observer....we continue to god/observer has a better probability of survival than us.

    Chew on that people!!!
  7. dlogic

    dlogic Zuitarist

    mmmmmmmmmmm...........quite intresting.......where did you read this .......i had read some thing like this but it explains in a totally different manner..........i can tell you about it ...if you want
  8. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    haha!man ,ssslayer good i was only viewing!
    anywayz why do u guys being bothered by gods existence or not!jus believe if u want or forget it.this is a new era of youth, we need freedom and there is , so jus let yourself go free from all such stress! :beer:
  9. vivo_b

    vivo_b The Brave

    I probably heard it from my dad.....he's a physicist he keeps reading these things and tells me the more interesting ones.....dont know who came up with the explaination tho. Enlighten IGT with urs
  10. alcholic005

    alcholic005 New Member

    you all had some really rough lifes growing up didn't you
  11. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    i did!but lucky for me my parents are not fully obssessed with orthodoxy stuff!
  12. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    more you make ur children believe in all such things the more they will turn away from these.jus leave them by their way and let them decide things for themselves xept under xtreme situations and they need to be counselled too.freedom is when they are able to take care of themselves!
  13. dlogic

    dlogic Zuitarist

    @alcoholic we suffer from booze n igt syndrome
  14. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    No. You see it is you who were not taught to think. It is you who is the opposite extreme of the bible-thumpers who shover religion down our throats.

    How convenient it would be to blame life's complications on religion. What you fail to realize is that it is us who have corrupted religion, not religion which has corrupted us.
  15. deathdr_87

    deathdr_87 Awesome Guitarist

    id elt anyone beleive anything he/she wants as long as he doesnt hurt me. all u guys abusing believers etc... u got to remember that this is a public forum and u haveno bloody right to abuse every1 who has a different view from u.
  16. cYpHeR

    cYpHeR Banned

    ^...sahi jawaab (in an amitabh accent).....

    best is dont follow ne religion...
  17. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    no. Best is to follow what you believe
    dlogic likes this.
  18. kaiser

    kaiser Bored

    im not blaming all of lifes problems on religion. but religion sure is a root of a truckload of problems. religion is a rotten concept. why create a set of ideologies and try to make everyone live according to it? why not make your own religion? why not make your own beliefs your religion. whoever created hinduism or islam was human. it was that human's opinions, prejudices and views that went into the making of a cult. you accept all that because it 'holy.' ever notice how people avoid discussing things in deep that are holy or sacred? they say: its been like this forever! how can u say such things? its being followed for ages. how dare you little imp?! you're a kid, you wont understand. you'll get it when u grow up.

    even if religion were justified, we have corrupted it. you're right about that. but guess why it got corrupted? cuz it a putrid piece of trash. moldy, rotten, and all bull. it isnt based on truth. or sense. or logic. that's why.

    truth can never be corrupted.
  19. rocking_devil

    rocking_devil Banned

    thats xactly whta i do!
  20. shsnawada

    shsnawada Cyborgs & Pasta

    Another response from bjr expected.

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