AnKiT Shah - Celestial Symphony(Solo Track)

Discussion in 'IGT Soundtrack - Your Band, Your Gig, Your Music' started by slipknot_555, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. slipknot_555

    slipknot_555 RuHH..

    sukrut likes this.
  2. sukrut

    sukrut God Guitarist

    lovely song as always!!! :)
    although there's an outta tune note at around 0:40... it goes on for 2 measures... and even in the later part too.... i think its the bass line... try tuning ur bass guitar and replaying tat part...

    but a very nice effort! loved it!! :)

  3. slipknot_555

    slipknot_555 RuHH..

    yea... rightly said..the patch was chorus+flanger effect(tht made the G string lill outta tune).. was played on guitar i.e bass patch in the processor... newes m looking for a good bassy to fill up my lemme knw if u cn help me :)
    cheers :)

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