
Discussion in 'Guitar Gear Talk Forum' started by sumit, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. sumit

    sumit HaNdS uPPP!!

    can anyone tell me the cheapest amps available from 60-80 watts......i guess playmate amps's are the cud anyone post the prices
    which amp can i get for 7K for 60-80 Watts.....i need it for mah bass
  2. jocelyn

    jocelyn New Member

    Stranger CUBE 80
  3. abhimanjrekar

    abhimanjrekar ----> Zhol-Man<----

    ^^ ya, ul get it arond 4.5k....
  4. sumit

    sumit HaNdS uPPP!!

    which one cn i get for 4.5 k???? 60-80 watts?
  5. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

    i got a Kustom sound 40w for 4k
  6. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    Man whatever be it, just check the speaker diaphragm.
    It should be minimum 12".

    15" is even better.

    Smaller speaker and the bass will blast the speaker off.
  7. sayanakaharry

    sayanakaharry Forum Leader

    is the Kustom sound amp better than the stranger one??
  8. jocelyn

    jocelyn New Member

    I prefer Stranger to Kustom any day & so do my buddies. I Played on a Kustom 80 and Kustom 20 it was ok. But the stranger cube 35, cube 20 and 80 are good so is the cube 40
  9. debankan

    debankan The bassist from hell

    I own a stranger cube 40. I will root for it any day, except for the weight. It is damn heavy and difficult to transport. I say go fro marshall. They have good amps weighing much lesser.
  10. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    ^Ah c'mon you pansy :p: I had a stranger 60 back home and it was quite alright to carry around.
  11. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    Give him a break. He doesnt do power lifting in his spare time ;)
  12. d_ist_urb_ed

    d_ist_urb_ed Genuflect b*tches!

    ^:grin: No dude like seriously, you could hold it with one hand and walk.
  13. sayanakaharry

    sayanakaharry Forum Leader


    WOW man. didnt know you did power lifting in spare time..


    any other indian brand that makes amps other than stranger and kustom sound?
  14. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus New Member

    Well,there's only one suggestion...

    Stanger Cube 80... PERIOD

    Used and recommended by most Indian bands too, including Metakix...
  15. jocelyn

    jocelyn New Member

    Go in for the Stranger Cube 80 or 40. If You want big Base go for the 80. I own an 80.
  16. sumit

    sumit HaNdS uPPP!!

    how much will a cube 80 or strange 80 cost meh!!!!!!tell me sum in 60 watts
  17. jocelyn

    jocelyn New Member

  18. sumit

    sumit HaNdS uPPP!!

    thx a ton!!!!
  19. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

    hey u in pune rite ??... u can also chek the prices locally ...i saw the starnger cube 80 in musical mart (if u havnt got the phno -- pm me.)

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