A friend......a Situation.

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by walk_alone, Apr 26, 2006.

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  1. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    You know I always do :'(

    I'm still waiting for him to tell me what the difference is between his logic and mine after which I assured him that I'd leave his thread alone. It's not like I'm trying to hit below the belt or even outside thread topic.
  2. walk_alone

    walk_alone **~~| An Atheist |~~**

    Dude I told you earlier it wasnt about ur reply...but if u wanna take things on u its ur wish...I dnt give a damn.
    as far as u leaving this thread is concerned...ur presence or absence hardly makes a diff to me.

  3. UjSen

    UjSen *#!EVIL*!!

    i'd probably say BC blah blah and dump him :grin:
  4. amit82cse

    amit82cse Silent observeR

    people give advice but i am telling what i have done...yes.. i have been to this situation...

    Once you see such email from her/him in your inbox, do reply. This is going to be your last message to her/him. Tell her/her your true feelings for her/him and that you respect her/his thoughts and decisions and hence will not disturbe you again. Say it politely with respect.

    And after this just keep your words up and do not try to push yourself inher/his life...
  5. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    and you chalked up 2 pages of argument with someone whose presence in the thread does not bother you....

  6. shsnawada

    shsnawada Cyborgs & Pasta

    haha, that just made my day.

    very funny and depressing at the same time.
  7. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    woah...and i think we just lost the essence of this thread...

    FEED EM TO THE PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    ^^ dont ask me where that came from! :Worried:
  9. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    aw shucks, I was just going to </3

    I'm happy as a dead pig in sunshine
  10. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    ^an im dying to ask how THAT feels...:)
  11. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    haha, we'll both get our tans this way <3
  12. Petunia

    Petunia terminally dorky

    ^^yea tans and all aside, that IS an adorable visual! ;)
  13. vishalj

    vishalj Banned

    Beware, the vultures are circling
  14. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    Food, Glorious food!

    Go watch the Ice Age 2 now!
  15. Iraqita_EP

    Iraqita_EP New Member

    listen to a linkin park song..al their songs r about how sum1 dumped dem and stuff and how theyll rise back to kick ass(im not sure bout the kick ass part..its wat my friend told me)
  16. vishalj

    vishalj Banned

    I so want to but can't find anyone to go with. :mad:

    I freaking lurve ice age.
  17. vishalj

    vishalj Banned

    I won't take LP too seriously as I saw their songs playing on Cartoon Network. So yeah..
  18. bjr

    bjr Lady of the Evening

    Watch it and then my reply to the vulture thing shall seem funnier <3
  19. DrSaurabh

    DrSaurabh Wh@+s Up D0C

    yes...the peach fuzz is almost there
  20. fat_kax

    fat_kax Kickin Ass Since 1989 !

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