6th Harry Potter Movie Slated for 2008

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by lord_neo, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. rohit

    rohit New Member

    sorry but my english is poor as you have pointed out .So all you english experts please bare with me.
  2. Morbid_Angel

    Morbid_Angel Sid the sloth

    chill man its ok..u know hindi and dats enuff :)

    Be proud of speaking ure national language.
  3. erutu

    erutu terminally awesome

    Jai Hind.

  4. notty_lad

    notty_lad sudo undress

    Not before all friggin words beginning with a vowel .. but before all friggin words beginning with a vowel sound ..

    You wouldn't say "an" University will you ? That's because it is not a vowel SOUND.
  5. shak

    shak Harrr!

    dont you leg someone while i am present for any undue reason!!

    lets see your post mr. i-know-my-english ...
    yea is not a proper word, u is spelled 'you', no is spelled 'know', ur is spelled 'your' ... info is abbreviation of information and an abbreviation needs a full-stop at the end .. so info should be 'info.' , sum is spelled 'some' (in the sense that you have used this word)


    you don't put an 'A' .. in front of of every vowel .. you put it before a vowel

    and you don't put a 'friggin' A (frigging is not a proper word and is also missin a 'g') before "every" vowel .. there are exceptions!!

    be careful .. you can be rude, you can be obnoxious but don't get personal with others and don't make fun of others just because they lack something ..
    and my english is not perfect so please do not try to use the search feature and dig up old threads in which i got pawned for my mistakes . there are many (hint: once i said 'i am offenced' instead of 'i am offended')
  6. Iraqita_EP

    Iraqita_EP New Member

    *rushes to eng teacher to learn some more"
  7. rohit

    rohit New Member

    i am not good at pulling legs and making fun of other people.so good bye.go on find whatever mistakes you can.
  8. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    wooooooooooo ..........
    This thread makes my day!
  9. erutu

    erutu terminally awesome

    Ta ta.

    I think the min requirement should be four words. This is annoying.
  10. Morbid_Angel

    Morbid_Angel Sid the sloth

    Four letters u mean
  11. cumming soon

    cumming soon Banned

    someone has been going to school
  12. Morbid_Angel

    Morbid_Angel Sid the sloth

    i got 100% attendance for 2004 and 2005. :)

    Im a very good boy mate ;)
  13. erutu

    erutu terminally awesome



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