VAYU - Riders on the Storm - THE DOORS

Discussion in 'IGT Soundtrack - Your Band, Your Gig, Your Music' started by god of guitar85, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. god of guitar85

    god of guitar85 GUITARPLAYER

    this is an awsome song by the band The Doors called Riders on the storm. heard da track 1st time while playing NFS underground 2 in which version of this song by snopp dog was thr.this was da last song Jim morrison recorded. check out da song!!!!!

    here's da link -
  2. god of guitar85

    god of guitar85 GUITARPLAYER

    guyz need sum replies!!!!!!!!!!
  3. harsh n strings

    harsh n strings New Member

    what are the chords
  4. ultrabot90

    ultrabot90 Like fishes need bicycles

    What else can I say, the keyboard/organ is pretty much sorely missed here. Half the life of the song, man! It's pretty monotonous without those organ embellishments.

    To give the recording its due, I probably couldn't do that kind of guitar while singing along. But then again, you could do more dynamics on the vocals, sing like you mean the lyrics...

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