travis picking - need learning tips

Discussion in 'Beginner's Q&A Forum' started by cool.abhi79, May 20, 2009.

  1. cool.abhi79

    cool.abhi79 New Member

    Hi Neone and everyone who opens this thread,

    while trying to learn finger picking i came across this term "Travis picking" named after some guy who came up with this. Specifically i wanna get a hang of the part where in this style -

    Thumb plays alternating bass notes in a rhythm while the fingers play the melody. Its like there are two different sets of fingers at work. I have tried doing it on my own but cant get the hang of it as soon as i think of using the fingers the thumb kinda stops.

    If one of you does use the style can you tell me a few basic exercises for the right hand to get a feel of this.

  2. angel_of_sin

    angel_of_sin bassist.....

    try watching creed's one last breath...........
  3. Harsh Kumar

    Harsh Kumar The Official IGT Jester

    one last breath is not travis picking!
    But it is a great beginner finger pickin song!

    Try stop this train...John Mayer to know clawhammer technique and dust in the wind...travis style (not travis)
  4. Harsh Kumar

    Harsh Kumar The Official IGT Jester

    one last breath is not travis picking!
    But it is a great beginner finger pickin song!

    Try stop this train...John Mayer to know clawhammer technique and dust in the wind...travis style (not travis)

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