The Unofficial Trivia Thread!!

Discussion in 'Music Talk' started by dennis, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. dennis

    dennis The Bhangra King

    are u sure???
    ,,cuz ive heard this from lotsa people ...ill confirm
  2. shsnawada

    shsnawada Cyborgs & Pasta

    Answer: VADER :nw:
  3. dennis

    dennis The Bhangra King

    K heres another:
    Who(another musician) was Ozzy singing about in Fairies Wear Boots?
  4. Alfons

    Alfons C.F.H

    CRAP...not allowed 2 answer that 2..

  5. abhijitnath

    abhijitnath Fighting GAS frantically

    Ian Anderson
    Reason: Tony Iommi auditioned for Tull at some point of time
    Also, the Marilyn Manson thing is false, along with other claims (like the one that he had two ribs removed so that he could self-fellate). He refutes them in his abysmal autobiography.
  6. dennis

    dennis The Bhangra King

    yeah..iommi auditioned and when he saw Ian perform(the way he dances etc. ) the image he conjured up was of a fairy wearing dancing shoes . ...haha, watch the live aqualung video
  7. Alfons

    Alfons C.F.H

    My turn

    Q1. To overcome his alcohol addiction drummer Mike Portnoy wrote the 1st two steps to come out of drug addiction in the song The Glass Prison . In which other songs did he write about steps 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 ?

    Q2. Which song by Metallica originally writen by Dave Mustian and James Hetfield waz later released by Megadeth after Mustain left Metallica as "Mechanix" ?

    Q3. Which song is based on the Crimean War, which was fought by the Russians and the Ottoman Empire ?

    Q4. Which song based on the movie Damien: Omen II. ?

    ( answer 3 and 4 are by the same band )

    Q5.Which song describes the operations of the FBI's "counterintelligence" program - which was to suppress any dissident movements in the '60s becoz nyone from Malcolm X to Martin Luther King Jr. was silenced for speaking out against the government's injustices and illogic.

    Q6. Writen by SRV ...this song has a 12 step program for alcoholics..Name the song .
  8. dennis

    dennis The Bhangra King

    1. Roots of Evil, My dying soul
    2.Easy, the 4 horsemen
    3. The trooper
    4. Wrath child (hahahaha)
    5.Some Rage song, perhaps Sleep Now in the Fire??
    6.No idea...In step??
  9. Alfons

    Alfons C.F.H

    you got the last three wrong .
  10. the_wizard

    the_wizard Omega == God

    Q4. Which song based on the movie Damien: Omen II. ? - The number of the beast
  11. tejas

    tejas ..........

    Actually to your 5th question, I think its the whole of the In Step album, isnt it?
  12. Alfons

    Alfons C.F.H

    @tejas ..i think u refer 2 the 6th question

    anywayz....answers 2...5 and 6

    5. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!
    6. Crossfire
  13. wolfblitz

    wolfblitz New Member

    frank zappa's children topped the list of weirdest named celebrity kids

    the son's called dweezil[hes a major axeman now]

    and the daughter's called 'moon unit'!
  14. dennis

    dennis The Bhangra King

    moon unit :nw:
  15. Alfons

    Alfons C.F.H

    nice way to Bump an old theard !
  16. dennis

    dennis The Bhangra King

    haan....i am a genius, aint I
  17. g0g0l

    g0g0l ! SpAm

    No more questions?? :eek::
  18. Iraqita_EP

    Iraqita_EP New Member

    Che is a nickname for an argentinian.......wen guevara joined the cuban rebels..........he was the only argentinian there and thus they called him Che...
    Rage Against The Machine is the name of the album of Zachs band before rage against the machine
  19. vstanv

    vstanv New Member

    'bout Jimi Hendrix

    u know, while in school jimi flunked in music...!!! and tat was about a year after he started wit the guitar...
  20. angel_of_sin

    angel_of_sin bassist.....

    'David Grohl' Nirvana's drummer is currently playing with foo fighters..............

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