About: post trivia about rock/metal etc. Rules: 1.Please dont repeat a post 2.Keep the trivia to rock/metal music,else the thread would be too long 3.Most importantly, dont be afraid to post thinking that what you know maybe too bland or obvious. Well,here I go: Q.What do Pink Floyd and Megadeth have in common? Ans. Pink Floyd used to call themselves "The Megadeaths"
Heres another one: Throughout their career, Ringo received far more fan mail than any of the other Beatles.
And another one Jimi Hendrix was once thrown out of high school for holding the hand of a white girl in class.
Vocalist David Draiman of the band Disturbed was expelled from FIVE different boarding schools in his childhood.
slash was once invited on a kids show to talk about his hobby....reptiles...and this lizrrd bit him....and his reaction to it...the F-word on live telivision...on a kids show... LOL
Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler and guitarist Joe Perry were once nicknamed the "Toxic Twins" for their copious drug use.
Keith Moon my all time favorite drummer once drove a car into the holiday inn swimming pool : for his 21st(20th) birthday.. snip from internet: While such destructive outbursts were soon to become the Who's trademark, many of Moon's most outrageous antics have occurred away from the public eye. Possibly the most famous of these occurred during the band's first American tour in 1967. They had been traveling around the country, opening shows for, believe it or not, Herman's Hermits, and it just so happened that their entourage arrived in the unsuspecting town of Flint, Michigan on the day of Keith's 21st birthday. [editor: actually his 20th birthday-so that he would be able to drink for the rest of the tour he reasoned!]. Such an auspicious occasion of course, could not be overlooked by the touring party, and an impromptu party was planned at the band's hotel. By ten o'clock in the morning, both bands and their road crews had gathered around the Holiday Inn swimming pool and were heartily consuming the various bottles of booze that had been given to Keith as presents. As morning turned to afternoon more guests arrived bearing gifts, mostly of the alcoholic variety, and as the sun began to set, the party became a true celebration of insanity. Fully dressed individuals began to jump into the nearby pool, and as seemingly dozens of bottles of various beverages were dumped into the pool's cool waters, Flint, Michigan found itself the home of the world's largest martini. As the day's festivities reached their culmination, a huge cake, a gift from Premier drum company, was wheeled out for Keith's inspection. Even though he was barely able to walk following his day-long carousing, he summoned up all of his remaining strength and picked up the entire cake and dumped its five layers on a unsuspecting ensemble who were sitting together in a drunken stupor. The incident seemed to give everyone a "second wind," and suddenly huge gobs of cake were being hurled from every imaginable corner of the besieged hotel. The main dining room became a war zone, and the lobby soon resembled a confectioner's nightmare. Somehow during these festivities Moon had managed to lose all of his clothes, and as he pranced around bare-assed, the police finally arrived to break up the party. Instead of waiting to be arrested for being the catalyst of this even, Moon, ever the quick thinker, dashed out into the night and jumped into a Lincoln Continental limousine parked in the hotel driveway. As he released the handbrake, he suddenly realized that the car was rolling backwards, and that he didn't have the keys to start the engine. In his drunken state he failed to realize that he could step on the footbrake and halt the car's backward progression, so he patiently sat and waited as the car crashed through the swimming pool's protective fence, and rolled into the water.
excellent post jayswami More Pink Floyd trivia: The Dark Side of the Moon stayed on the billboard charts(top 200) for a record 741 weeks!!! (i.e 15 years)
^^ How is that even possible??? :shock: Tool's Maynard James Keenan, once served for the American Army, before pursuing his Music as a career.
Rage Trivia: Tom Morello's father was a Guerilla Warrior, his mother a revolutionary and his uncle the 1st president of kenya(Jomo kenyatta)...amazing no wonder rage kept on putting up all those 'revolutionary' songs! @tejas: i know man 741 weeks!!!..damn
Rage Trivia: Tom Morello's father was a guerilla , his mother a revolutionary and his uncle the 1st president of Kenya(Jomo Kenyatta)...amazing! no wonder rage kept on putting up all those 'revolutionary' songs! @tejas: i know man 741 weeks!!!..damn
slash's mom was humping eric clapton and living with him when slash was in his early teens.. but it was watching joe f$#$ing perry of aerosmith play mama kin that made slash decide he gonna be a rock guitarist.
Guns N' Roses lead singer Axl Rose was arrested by Arizona cops in February 1998 and charged with verbally abusing an employee of Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix. Rose, who cursed and shook his fist at a supervisor who wanted to look at his bags at a security checkpoint, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of disturbing the peace.
Not sure about this one : Axle Rose earlier was a ****star whose speciality was oral ***. Now such a guy is called an axle.Hence the name Axle Rose!
the opening riff for the sweet child of mine was played by slash as a joke to show that he can do fancy circus type thingy on guitars..but it caught the ears of axle and he made it into a rock anthem...(saw this in a documentary on TMF)
@Dennis - Thats almost correct, but not completely. Actually Axl Rose is an anagram for O_ _ _ S _ _ .Try it out.
The band green day got it's name from a term meaning smoking pot, hanging around and doing nothing all day.