
Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by Nanda, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. Nanda

    Nanda Bassist


    i can see your hands trembling in the dark
    can see your knee as it falls down
    is it the death which you fear
    or is the fear of the death

    the paths around you are closed now
    ther's now where you can run
    dont turn around to see where i am
    theres no way you can stop

    this is the last run of your life
    am gonna tear you if you stop
    say your last prayers now
    and expect no mercy from me

    you have to pay for what youve done
    in this life
    if your blood thirsty some one
    thirsts for your blood

    you are the one to start it
    now its your to to receive
    stop the sinister scream
    shutup,and get ready to die

    cursed be your skull
    its so hard to crack
    now its feels good to see.
    to see the blood flow from your gut

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