My Recording : Country Roads

Discussion in 'IGT Soundtrack - Your Band, Your Gig, Your Music' started by kage01, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. kage01

    kage01 New Member

    Hi IGTians,
    Im Kunal aka kage aka KJ. I've been visiting the forums here for a long time. But this is my first post. I'm a beginner acoustic guitarist. I have being learning for the past six months on my own by taking help from the Internet. Its a great place to learn. At times I felt stuck, but places such as IGT have pulled me out. I wanna thank all the people on IGT for spreading the gyan on music. This place Rocks!

    I have recorded Country Roads, its poor sound quality recording and its my first recording. Please me kind to hear it and write your critique. Link is below.

    Much Guitar,

  2. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

    Nice attempt man...
    but I'd say I could not listen to the entire song --didnt quite like the way you iterpreted the song. Perhaps you could fine tune more on the vocals -- like the 'i belong' part etc.
    keep practicing and keep posting! :beer:
  3. DrSaurabh

    DrSaurabh Wh@+s Up D0C

    ok...increase the tempo.............
    vocals and the voicing needs to improve..
    strumming could use improvement too
    and try recording at nights with windows closed to cut down the ambient noise
    and uve changed the whole tune of the song.....
    and at times it feels like your stifling a burp:eek:: sorry.....but tellin my honest opinion
  4. kage01

    kage01 New Member

    Hi sixstringsin & DrSaurabh, Thanx for your reviews. You are the first two to reply to my first post on IGT. Really appreciate this..

    -I have no knowledge of vocals......should I take classes? What are voicings?

    -The strumming patterns......well how to recognize them by hearing the song?

    -I take your point to record without surrounding sounds. Any tips on recording?

    It may be I got out of breath rather than a burp........embarassing it is anyways.

    I like your honest opinion.

    Thanks again!
  5. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

    @kage -- chill out dude -- I dont even qualify to advise you about vocals ..i know its easier said than done!! - but my feedback was more as a listener ok !! :)

    Well I dont know if classes would help. Lately, I myself have been trying hard constantly to improve on vocals -- and have been seeking advise here and there and searching materials over the net. I think something that really helped me was some piece of advise by someone called Donna McElro from Berklee College of Music. I hope it helps you and other IGTians too!
    Check out:
  6. zing

    zing Machine Head

    hey sixstringsin nice link thnx
  7. kage01

    kage01 New Member

    hey sixstringsin,
    thanks for the link.

  8. sixstringsin

    sixstringsin ||||||

    np ! man theres a nice pdf there -- it has loads of nice info -- im sure you'll find it enriching!
  9. sachoo

    sachoo drenched in my pain again

    Hey Kunal, tht was sweet coz straight frm ur heart :rock: .u r definately gng to do better bro. but i suggest go for classes coz tht was the mistake i did.

    I will go for Reps. Song is very close to my heart n gonna post it soon..

  10. kage01

    kage01 New Member

    Thanks Sachoo for hearing my recording.

    I like this song. One of my favourites. As you said I should get better, and thats only possible with practice. "Practice" is the new Key word for me now. Please read some articles from guitarnoise to develop a practice session and evaluate the need for a teacher. I agree with you that a good teacher can really accelerate your progress in the right direction. Other articles help you develop a good practice session. Without practice ones guitaring cannot improve. Thanks bro and keep practicing.



    Do you really need a teacher?

    Getting The Most Out of Your Practice

    The Art Of Practicing

    How to Practice

    A Question of Balance

    Recharging Your Batteries
  11. kage01

    kage01 New Member

    Hey bro what are "Reps". Been reading about this at IGT but have no clue??
  12. vini

    vini Repeat Offender

    I'd say quite alright as a first recording...and im sure u realize u need to work on ur vocals and on strumming...more particularly vocals!
    keep practising
  13. kage01

    kage01 New Member

    Thanks vini for checking out my recording. I'd give it a poor rating myself honestly. Its good that i posted this song coz now i know how hard I have to work on voice and rhythm. Hope to get some leads on how to improve from you guys.

    This thread has a good link given by sixstringsin on vocals, i've put few links about how to practice.

    And now Im following these tips.

    Much Guitar,

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