Melbay's & Nick Manoloff Guitar Books?

Discussion in 'Beginner's Q&A Forum' started by geniusoid, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. geniusoid

    geniusoid Acoustic Alchemist

    cudnt find it online or in this forum, so asking....

    Does anyone have pdfs of Mel Bay's Modern Guitar Method or Nick Manoloff's books on learning to play the guitar? I need copies to teach a few students....

    Please help the noble cause of spreading the art :)

    I have the Melbay's books in hardcopy but (a) I dont have a scanner & (b) Its a P in the A to scan all those pages, even if i had a scanner!

    I dont expect too many replies to this post..... Thanks anyways!

  2. death_metal_fan

    death_metal_fan oh goody, it's a woody!

    I have tried finding them online but to no avail. I would recommend you tell your students to buy the books. At Rs. 300 /- odd per book, they are not that expensive...
  3. geniusoid

    geniusoid Acoustic Alchemist

    Have 8 parts of the Melbay book in hardcopy now - stole them frm my gurl :grin: Now to just find a scanner and lottttttttssa time!
  4. samar_singh

    samar_singh New Member

    download any file sharing softwarte and u will get it easyly
  5. geniusoid

    geniusoid Acoustic Alchemist

    dude if u have the book, is it possible for u to upload it at some place so tht ppl can have it?
  6. jaywarrier

    jaywarrier New Member

    Its really sad,

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