Longhorn? What's that?

Discussion in 'Computer Forum' started by death_metal_fan, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. death_metal_fan

    death_metal_fan oh goody, it's a woody!

  2. zoomingrocket

    zoomingrocket TeChNiCaL AdMiNiStRaToR

    Hahahaha... looks like Windows got to know that SECURITY isnt their piece of cake.. so its better to change 'LONGHORN' (Named so as to define the best secured windows ever) to Windows VISTA!! :grin:

    'Bringing Clarity to your World' - The tag line.. gives me a feel of just more good visual experience...and nothing else!

    Anyways lets see... cos, i had tested Longhorn's PDC Test Copy and it was good!

  3. death_metal_fan

    death_metal_fan oh goody, it's a woody!

    Be on the lookout for Beta 1 which will be released August 3rd to developers. It is sure to find its way onto the BitTorrent network.
  4. mr singh

    mr singh New Member

    i herd u need 1gd of ram 2 run this crazy OS, it must b pretty intense if thats tru

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