Lets Make A Change!

Discussion in 'Poetry and Lyrics Forum' started by #iR@, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. #iR@


    hello everyone... i am back with an other poem... hope u guys like it and like always looking forward to ur comments! this work of mine is not exactly like a poem, these r just some thoughts put into short words i think... so here goes...

    Lets make a change!

    Living on the same land
    With the same emotions
    Then why the differentiation between every colour and creed

    Why these wars
    Why the bloodshed
    Why the torture

    Don’t u realize
    How all this
    Could wrap us all in melancholy?
    How it could lead us to degradation?

    I skim through the papers
    Derogatory remarks jump up at me
    “Why?” Is all I ask

    Why do we have to carry the same belief…
    Our ancestors followed?
    Why can’t we join hands and make a change?
    Its high time that we realize the truth about each other

    Come together u all…
    Lets join hands
    And make a change
    Let us be the ones to decide our present
    And our future!

    THANKS FOR READING..... don't forget to comment! waiting... :cool:
  2. write2madhur

    write2madhur dowdiegeekgizmofreak

    Nice poem i will be the first to give u my hand lol
  3. Sharmontime

    Sharmontime New Member

    i shall join too.
    instigating indeed...nice thoughts.
  4. amit82cse

    amit82cse Silent observeR

    ...nice thoughts
  5. apurbajd

    apurbajd ~#$&*$@*^$

    nice thoughts dear ............ m speechless..........
  6. #iR@


    @ write2madhur & sharmontime... thanks:) but i don't think i will be accepting it! hehe :p:

    @ amit... thanks man :)

    @ apurbajd.... thanks... always looking forward for comments! ;)

    any more comments or any advice for me? :think:
  7. uj_6string

    uj_6string Nickelodean Addict :D

    really nice progressive thoughts....
    i loved it man....damn awesome!!!!
    sorry cant rep u...i need to spread....
    keep it up:beer:
  8. Garima

    Garima Born to rule <img src="images/smilies/rule.gif" bo

    Hmmm....Hira...u think so much gurl....but nice...cos evry change is first initiated in ur thots...& then in reality....first part is already done by u....for the second one...m ready too :cool:
  9. #iR@


    @uj_6string .... thanks a LOT man! :)

    @ garima... thanks for ur comments gurl! always looking forward to them!:) ummm.... yea i do think a lot and thats a thing my friends hate about me!:eek:: eventhough i take it as a quality of mine! hehe....

    well.... i think i have done the thinking part i.e the first step and now we all need to take the next step together as one! :cool:
  10. uj_6string

    uj_6string Nickelodean Addict :D

    same here man....me thinks too much.....but i think itz good.....
    agreed.....u need to feel it first......then u can bring about a change...

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