1. Jesse Marx

    Jesse Marx New Member

    Hi I need chords for the song 'Neengatha Ennam Onru, Nenjodu Unndo" from Vidiyum Varai Kathiru.

    Thank you
    Jesse Marx
  2. jimihndrx

    jimihndrx Guitar Hero

    what kind of thread is this??
  3. Jesse Marx

    Jesse Marx New Member

    I am sorry, I have made a mistake when I naming this thread its without a Clear Title, I understand visitors are confused and suspecting about this thread, I am a newbie for this forum and I'll correct my mistakes in the future posts, please forgive me all.

    Thank you
    Jesse Marx
  4. jimihndrx

    jimihndrx Guitar Hero

    ok its allright dude.
  5. tripravi

    tripravi Well-Known Member

    Bro, but we are waiting for the guitar chords. Please take time and post it. Good day and best wishes.

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