Hi, I am laying in BANGALORE right now. I been playin guitar for quite a while now and basically self-taught. Now i wanna join some classes. So can u guys find me a guitar teacher in bangalore who teaches some advanced stuff? plz help me if u can.
there's a techer in BTM 2nd stage... His name is bruce lee mani.. he is from the band Thermal and a Quarter.. also known as TAAQ.. heard he's really good..
hey buddy, how are you?thanks for the info...do u have any contact info of him??any email add or ph no.that wud be really helpful. u can mail me.
dude i'm doin fine.. i dont have his no. right now.. but i can arrange it.. gimme sometime.. and btw there's another guy ready to jam .. but he's also a guitarist.. maybe we all can meet up this weekend..
hi hi u guys still jamming, pls let me know ..am learning acoustic since 2+ yrs and wanna learn more . alone kind of get stuck so wanna explore new things in guitar. pls let me know. Thanks, Mukesh
Want to learn guitar but dont know where to start? Learn beginner music theory and fretboard thoery essential for improvising. Also learn how to read sheet music. So if you want individual attention and learn theory along with guitar, please Contact Vyas Banashankari Ph#-8105512562 Fees- Rs.400 per month(weekly two classes) includes fretboard sheets and study material for theory.