I just discovered..

Discussion in 'Guitar Gear Talk Forum' started by abhijitnath, Jan 4, 2006.

  1. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    oops Abhi :(

    anyway as I said earlier, EQing can change everything except the dynamics.
    just like Given a good computing power, most of the amps can be emulated to a fair degree of extent using DSP.

    hence, :p to you Ronnie
  2. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    Scooped Mid Thingy :p:
  3. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    U cant accuse me of that
    especially considering that my current fav EQ is 4-8-6 (Lo-Mid-Hi)

    U would hardly call it a scooped mid thingy ;p
  4. nebuchadnezzar

    nebuchadnezzar G34r G33k

    I have read that the extra treble was added by his sound guy in postprocessing..you cant really tell what gear is being used on an album or through a huge chain of effects...plus those guys use such customized equipment...
  5. alpha1

    alpha1 I BLUES!

    ^ thats too bad.

    I like to hear the "naked" sound of the basic equipment.

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