Humans are to rot and die...

Discussion in 'The ChitChat Lounge' started by J.J, May 31, 2005.

  1. ronnieanand

    ronnieanand n00bier th@n th0u

    Cool Thread. I kinda like it. Rightly pointed out in the movie Matrix, Humans are like Virus, go to a place, deplete all the resource and then go to a new place and then deplete all the resource. We dont live with the nature. We alter the nature, destroy it for our convenience. Replace forests and lakes with concretes and roads. I am no different 'cos I am still the same evil human. I like animals a lot that way. They live and die with the nature without actually destroying it.

    Hey JJ and others cool it. I guess everybody have their own way of looking at things. The problem is making such open statements in a forum like this. By the JJ, check out the Volunatry Human Extinction Society. They used to have their own website. I am not sure whether it's still active.
  2. $cReWdR!veR

    $cReWdR!veR .:: Sweetheart ::.

    hey jj... cool thread though many dont agree...but i do agree wit u...
  3. 6string_addict

    6string_addict * Addicted Guitarist * <img src="https://www.india

    :RollLol: :RollLol: :RollLol: :boff: :boff:
  4. DrSaurabh

    DrSaurabh Wh@+s Up D0C

    take a look around..........take the beauty in.......LIVE
  5. ananth222

    ananth222 Beginner

    All humans are meant to rot and all humans are meant to die.
    The only thing you need to make sure is that you rot after you die, and not before you die.
  6. $cReWdR!veR

    $cReWdR!veR .:: Sweetheart ::.

    :rock: :nw: :rock:
  7. light_of_erindi

    light_of_erindi New Member

    Who says we don't give anything back....why we replenish the nitrates and phosphates everyday in the morning...:) many organisms in the world do more than that to contribute to their surroundings ?!!...
  8. dlogic

    dlogic Zuitarist

    ur pessimist or having a real bad day.....some thing like feeling crapy!!!
  9. devilguitar

    devilguitar New Member

    i think the next thing J.J will do is support suicides... ?

    How dumb !!!!!!!.....We aren't meant to rot and die !!!!!......
  10. $cReWdR!veR

    $cReWdR!veR .:: Sweetheart ::.

    hes not wrong... nyways v all r pretty rotten and then one day v hav to die...

    see its pretty scientific too... once u die your body starts ul b totally rotten one day...
  11. devilguitar

    devilguitar New Member

    but after we die...yeah...but we aren't pathetic !!!!!

    We can only die and rot..not rot and die...
  12. $cReWdR!veR

    $cReWdR!veR .:: Sweetheart ::.

    yah tats jus true... we die n rot... but i guess we deserve to rot n then die....
  13. devilguitar

    devilguitar New Member

    whatever....i dun support it
  14. dlogic

    dlogic Zuitarist

    We are here to enjoy!!! i mean i do feel down sometimes but that dosent make my life rotten.
  15. $cReWdR!veR

    $cReWdR!veR .:: Sweetheart ::.

    @dlogic.... feeling low or feeling rotten r two different things....we jus r pathetic creatures present here who jus go on blabbering on i me n myself... care a damn about the others... what we care about is only us.... we r rotten in a way... i hav a diff pt of view n i guess even u hav...
  16. dlogic

    dlogic Zuitarist

    well i have see ppl happy for all their life (not that they never seen sorrow)....if it is possible for them it is possible for me or may be everyone on this planet!!!!

    "what we care about is only us"....this means you need an attitude change
  17. J.J

    J.J The Guitar God

    Never will a man be happy trust me on this one. The happiness u r talking about is just another illusion created by our mind which is ofcourse temporary we DO deserve to die for what we have done to our mother Earth and so we will...
  18. dlogic

    dlogic Zuitarist

    every one has to die....but not rott
  19. $cReWdR!veR

    $cReWdR!veR .:: Sweetheart ::.

    its no pt arguin... v all r rotten... that includes me n u...
  20. ssslayer

    ssslayer Banned

    hey me not rotten ...

    others might be ...
    or others might think they are ...

    but not me ...
    plz ... otherwise i'll have all sorta bacteria/fungi on me by now ...

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