hmmmmm 2 diff language settings

Discussion in 'Computer Forum' started by .:SpY_GaMe:., Jun 19, 2006.

  1. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member


    my buddy is on xp n she uses english format thing but she wants top be able to have two type of users type ie one in english n one in chinese ie the format n all will be one in chinese n one english

    i tried creating two users in her pc but could not find a way to get that feature

    i think by installing windozzzz twice in two diff partitions can make that possible but the problem is that she wont be able to use the data in the other drive

    hmmmm confused

    if nope any suggestiion

    if yes which part ???
  2. g0g0l

    g0g0l ! SpAm

    Yupp! Only installing windows twice can help. Nothing else can... If you install the font pack, it goes to the Windows... So every user will be affected..
  3. .:SpY_GaMe:.

    .:SpY_GaMe:. New Member

    hey if i do so inmstall windozzzzz on drive c in english n chinese in drive e then when will i be able to access progs i have installed in drive c if i use windozzz chinese medium???
  4. g0g0l

    g0g0l ! SpAm

    yupp! Some of those can be used. But you will have give the serial number for each of those....

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